Running to Droknar's Forge... as a ranger..
Hi guys,
I was wondering if anyone attempted it already? If yes, does it seems possible ?
I ran all the places in the desert alone, ran around droknar's (going to port sledge, the first mission)... all that while level 18. So I was wondering, would it be possible to run Beacon's to Droknar's with my ranger ?
As skill for the moment, I'm using Dodge and Storm Chaser. If you got other suggestions, I would be glad to hear them.
I was wondering if anyone attempted it already? If yes, does it seems possible ?
I ran all the places in the desert alone, ran around droknar's (going to port sledge, the first mission)... all that while level 18. So I was wondering, would it be possible to run Beacon's to Droknar's with my ranger ?
As skill for the moment, I'm using Dodge and Storm Chaser. If you got other suggestions, I would be glad to hear them.
it would be very very hard to do because the monsters on the path SPAM knockdown effects. and if you got knockedown and then surrounded its game over.
i think someone does it as a ranger, do a forum search because i remember seeing it somewhere a while back.
Algren Cole
I've done it as a Ranger/Warrior and as a Ranger/Monk.
it's very much possible...though very very very difficult as a R/Mo
add whirling defense to your skill set. and serpents quickness. if you've got oath shot bring that as attacking a single enemy once will recharge all your skills making it possible for you to use storm chaser essentially the entire way.
post your secondary if you'd like help working out a possible build.
it's very much possible...though very very very difficult as a R/Mo
add whirling defense to your skill set. and serpents quickness. if you've got oath shot bring that as attacking a single enemy once will recharge all your skills making it possible for you to use storm chaser essentially the entire way.
post your secondary if you'd like help working out a possible build.
My secondary was.. pointless at that point, I was wondering if it is possible. I'm a R/Mo at the moment, I may plan to switch it to R/W once ascended, more running skill...
I already use Whirlwind defence, but did not look at serpent quickness.
I use Troll unguent, Healing Breaze and Heal Area for healing, breeze and area are fast casting...
Thanks for your answer guys !
I already use Whirlwind defence, but did not look at serpent quickness.
I use Troll unguent, Healing Breaze and Heal Area for healing, breeze and area are fast casting...
Thanks for your answer guys !
personally i would say drop the unguent it doesnt last long for the 3 second casting time. healing breeze would be the much better choice since it is a 1 second cast for 10 sec duration as opposed to 3 sec cast for 10 sec duration. and when you are running time is everything:-P
Algren Cole
add mending to your skill set...and leave it on at all times.
grab yourself a +energy icon(I got a +21 from a collector outside grendich collecting scortched loadstones).
Mending is an enchantment(so it stays on constantly) that gives you an extra 3 pips of HP regen when att is maxed.
then just spam stormchaser dodge whirling defense and serpents quickness to recharge. you'll get knocked down alot but with mending giving you a constant heal and a couple of healing spells you should be able to make it.
grab yourself a +energy icon(I got a +21 from a collector outside grendich collecting scortched loadstones).
Mending is an enchantment(so it stays on constantly) that gives you an extra 3 pips of HP regen when att is maxed.
then just spam stormchaser dodge whirling defense and serpents quickness to recharge. you'll get knocked down alot but with mending giving you a constant heal and a couple of healing spells you should be able to make it.
Algren: What's the key to doing it without Balanced Stance? How do you deal with the knockdowns?
Lots of people have done it with Wa/X or X/Wa, but anything else seems difficult.
Lots of people have done it with Wa/X or X/Wa, but anything else seems difficult.
And what protects you from the "slow/crippling" attacks? Is that whirling D?
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
grab yourself a +energy icon(I got a +21 from a collector outside grendich collecting scortched loadstones)
Fye Duron
Originally Posted by Haloknight9
A plus 21?! wow. where is this guy again? I cant seem to find him.
Thanks Dunno if it would be worth it for the -1 ene regen though.
Fye Duron
I don't think It would be.
Not sure about the -1 regen though. As a ranger, the energy isn't coming back quick enough if you spam few spells.
I will look at change to a warrior when I'll be ascended, but I will try to do it again and post the build I used (if I ever manage to do it).
thanks for your answers guys.
I will look at change to a warrior when I'll be ascended, but I will try to do it again and post the build I used (if I ever manage to do it).
thanks for your answers guys.
help me plz
ya u need balenced stance
There's also the "third" running skill for rangers. The elite skill called Escape which uses the Expertice attribute. Might come in handy.
Was hoping I could make the run with my W/R but those imps slowing me with the wurms coming up - I go balanced - but I'm getting plucked at and getting hit while I cant shake the hex slow
Not that cripple is any better but at least I could use a shout to heal from conditions a bit.. water hexes + 2 wurms for teh win
Not that cripple is any better but at least I could use a shout to heal from conditions a bit.. water hexes + 2 wurms for teh win
Algren Cole
CKaZ: add Melandrus Resiliance to your skillset. throw it on when they hex you and it'll turn the degen into regen