Conditions and you.
hey i took a closer look to tall the conditions, skills that cause conditions, skills that require them and get bonuses from them.
sadly most skill descriptiond do not say how long they cause a condition, so i asume its mostly the same "from-to" for each condition.
when you take "knock down" , "DP" and "exhaustion" as a conditions you can give each class 2 conditionts that are really bad for them and make a build focused on conditions:
= damage from attacks greatly reduced for 5-17 seconds
= Really bad for Warriors
E Enervating Charge
N Enfeebling Blood
N Enfeeble
W Axe Twist
W Staggering Blow
- Profiting from Weakness:
W Heavy Blow
E Stoning
= movement speed -50% for 3-13 seconds
= really bad for Warriors later in the game
R Spike Trap
W Axe Rake
W Hamstring
R Miaiming Strike
R Cripling shot
R Barbed trap
R Pin Down
Me Illusion of haste
- cures from cripled (for a short time)
Me Illusion of Haste
Deep Wound:
= reduces max health by 20% AND reduces healing by 20% for 5-17 seconds
= really bad for Monks
W Desperation Blow
W Crushing Blow
W Gash
W Disrupting chop
W Eviscerate
W Swift chop
W Disember
Me Phantom pain
Death penalty:
= changes max health and max energy down to -60% (or up to +10%)
= really bad for Monks later in the game
= 90% chance to miss with atacks for 3-9 seconds
= Really bad for Rangers
W Belly Smash
R Dust trap
R Throw dirt
Me Signet of midnight (blinds self too)
Me Interpitude
E Glimmering mark
E Blinding flash
E Eruption
= Health degen of 4 for 3-13 seconds, spreading trough creatures on contact.
= really bad for Rangers later in the game
N Virulence
N Tainted flesh
N Rotting flesh (for 11-22)
- imunity from Disease
N Taintes flesh
= be easily interupted AND cast times tripled for 15 seconds
= really bad for Eles
W Skull Crack
R Concussion Shot (for 5-17)
- ignores dazed:
E glyph of concentration
= -10 energy that regenerates slowly
= really bad for Eles later in the game
E Mind Shock
E Mind Burn
E Mind Freeze
E Obsidian Flame
E Chain Lightning
E Maelstrom
E Lightning Surge
E Meteor Shower
E Gale
E Shock
E Earthquake
E Meteor
E Searing Heat
E Ether Prodigy
- prevents from exhaustion:
E Glyph of energy
Knock down:
= interrupts all AND no movement for 3 seconds.
= really bad for mesmers
W Bull's Charge
W Counter Blow
W Bull's Strike
W Backbreaker
W Shield Bash
W Heavy Blow
W Irresistible Blow
W Griffon's Sweep
W Hammer Bash
W Earth Shaker
W Devastating Hammer
Mo Shield of Judgement
Mo Bane Signet
Mo Holy Strike
Mo Signet of Judgement
R Bestial Pounce
E Mind Shock
E Thunderclap
E Lightning Surge
E Meteor Shower
E Gale
E Water Trident
E Whirlwind
E Stoning
E Shock
E Earthquake
E Meteor
- profiting from knock down:
W crushing blow
Mo Holy Strike
E Aftershock
- imunity to knock down:
W ballanced Stance
W Belly Smash
= Health degen of 4 for 5-17 seconds
= Really bad for mesmers later in the game
R Apply Poison (for 3-13)
R Poison Arrow
N Necrotic Traversal
On fire:
= Health degen of 7 for 1-3 seconds
= really bad for Necros
E Searing Heat
E Mark of Rodgort
E Mind Burn (for 1-6)
E Incendiary Bonds
E Immolate
E Rodgort's Invocation
R Flame Trap
R Incendiary Arrows
= Health degen of 3 for 3-21 seconds
= really bad for Necros later in the game
N Signet of agony (causes bleeding on self, but its good for necro combos)
W deadly riposte
W sever artery (5-21 seconds)
W seeking blade
R Feral lunge
R Hunters shot
R Melandrus arrows
R Barbed Trap
sadly most skill descriptiond do not say how long they cause a condition, so i asume its mostly the same "from-to" for each condition.
when you take "knock down" , "DP" and "exhaustion" as a conditions you can give each class 2 conditionts that are really bad for them and make a build focused on conditions:
= damage from attacks greatly reduced for 5-17 seconds
= Really bad for Warriors
E Enervating Charge
N Enfeebling Blood
N Enfeeble
W Axe Twist
W Staggering Blow
- Profiting from Weakness:
W Heavy Blow
E Stoning
= movement speed -50% for 3-13 seconds
= really bad for Warriors later in the game
R Spike Trap
W Axe Rake
W Hamstring
R Miaiming Strike
R Cripling shot
R Barbed trap
R Pin Down
Me Illusion of haste
- cures from cripled (for a short time)
Me Illusion of Haste
Deep Wound:
= reduces max health by 20% AND reduces healing by 20% for 5-17 seconds
= really bad for Monks
W Desperation Blow
W Crushing Blow
W Gash
W Disrupting chop
W Eviscerate
W Swift chop
W Disember
Me Phantom pain
Death penalty:
= changes max health and max energy down to -60% (or up to +10%)
= really bad for Monks later in the game
= 90% chance to miss with atacks for 3-9 seconds
= Really bad for Rangers
W Belly Smash
R Dust trap
R Throw dirt
Me Signet of midnight (blinds self too)
Me Interpitude
E Glimmering mark
E Blinding flash
E Eruption
= Health degen of 4 for 3-13 seconds, spreading trough creatures on contact.
= really bad for Rangers later in the game
N Virulence
N Tainted flesh
N Rotting flesh (for 11-22)
- imunity from Disease
N Taintes flesh
= be easily interupted AND cast times tripled for 15 seconds
= really bad for Eles
W Skull Crack
R Concussion Shot (for 5-17)
- ignores dazed:
E glyph of concentration
= -10 energy that regenerates slowly
= really bad for Eles later in the game
E Mind Shock
E Mind Burn
E Mind Freeze
E Obsidian Flame
E Chain Lightning
E Maelstrom
E Lightning Surge
E Meteor Shower
E Gale
E Shock
E Earthquake
E Meteor
E Searing Heat
E Ether Prodigy
- prevents from exhaustion:
E Glyph of energy
Knock down:
= interrupts all AND no movement for 3 seconds.
= really bad for mesmers
W Bull's Charge
W Counter Blow
W Bull's Strike
W Backbreaker
W Shield Bash
W Heavy Blow
W Irresistible Blow
W Griffon's Sweep
W Hammer Bash
W Earth Shaker
W Devastating Hammer
Mo Shield of Judgement
Mo Bane Signet
Mo Holy Strike
Mo Signet of Judgement
R Bestial Pounce
E Mind Shock
E Thunderclap
E Lightning Surge
E Meteor Shower
E Gale
E Water Trident
E Whirlwind
E Stoning
E Shock
E Earthquake
E Meteor
- profiting from knock down:
W crushing blow
Mo Holy Strike
E Aftershock
- imunity to knock down:
W ballanced Stance
W Belly Smash
= Health degen of 4 for 5-17 seconds
= Really bad for mesmers later in the game
R Apply Poison (for 3-13)
R Poison Arrow
N Necrotic Traversal
On fire:
= Health degen of 7 for 1-3 seconds
= really bad for Necros
E Searing Heat
E Mark of Rodgort
E Mind Burn (for 1-6)
E Incendiary Bonds
E Immolate
E Rodgort's Invocation
R Flame Trap
R Incendiary Arrows
= Health degen of 3 for 3-21 seconds
= really bad for Necros later in the game
N Signet of agony (causes bleeding on self, but its good for necro combos)
W deadly riposte
W sever artery (5-21 seconds)
W seeking blade
R Feral lunge
R Hunters shot
R Melandrus arrows
R Barbed Trap
but it takes about half a second to remove conditions... and by stacking them your potentially just giving their prot large heals through mend ailment....
Mercury Angel
weakness reduces the base damage of attacks by 66%.
Add stoning to the benefit side of weakness.
Curious about the concussion condition if it actually needs to interupt a spell if applied while one is cast, as there are a few skills that prevent interuption.
Belly smash, would need to be added with crushing blow for benefit vs a knockdown foe.
Blind is also really bad for warriors. AOE arrow skills kinda bypass the whole "need to hit" thing.
Curious about the concussion condition if it actually needs to interupt a spell if applied while one is cast, as there are a few skills that prevent interuption.
Belly smash, would need to be added with crushing blow for benefit vs a knockdown foe.
Blind is also really bad for warriors. AOE arrow skills kinda bypass the whole "need to hit" thing.
Why is poison bad for mesmers and disease bad for rangers... and why is it only bad for them "later in the game"??? Degen is degen.
Mr Jazzy come bleeding is only bad for necros??
blind is bad for warriors too...
deep wound is bad for anyone pretty much, and same with DP
blind is bad for warriors too...
deep wound is bad for anyone pretty much, and same with DP
I don't see how you came up with your "bad for ..." statements. Could you explain please? Am I missing something here?? o_O?
Everything except Exhaustion, Death Penalty, Deep Wound, Knockdown, and Daze is really good for Monks.
long lasting (weaker) degen comes into it later in the game.
Disease is worse for rangers because rangers tend to build stroongholds.
Its only natural that strongholds get diseased then the enemy waits outside.
You cast 1-2 tainted flesh and they cast a lot more to protect from it.
Poison is worse for mesmers because they have the least defense to it (and eles).
bleding is worse for necros
Warriors dont attack as often as rangers and rangers are hit harder if they might miss so blind is worse for rangers.
deep wound drains more healing energy because of the +20% healing.
Disease is worse for rangers because rangers tend to build stroongholds.
Its only natural that strongholds get diseased then the enemy waits outside.
You cast 1-2 tainted flesh and they cast a lot more to protect from it.
Poison is worse for mesmers because they have the least defense to it (and eles).
bleding is worse for necros
Warriors dont attack as often as rangers and rangers are hit harder if they might miss so blind is worse for rangers.
deep wound drains more healing energy because of the +20% healing.
Disease is as bad for rangers as for mesmers and eles. They all do most of their damage in range.
Daze is bad for casters, blind is bad for warriors and rangers. That is obvious to everyone. Why is bleeding worse for necros? Why is poison worse for mesmers? They're both DoTs...
Daze is bad for casters, blind is bad for warriors and rangers. That is obvious to everyone. Why is bleeding worse for necros? Why is poison worse for mesmers? They're both DoTs...
Hell Marauder
I don't understand bleeding bad for necro part. Can't a necro just plague touch someone to pass bleeding to him and get rid of it?
Sagius Truthbarron
Disease is bad for everyone. Poison is bad for everyone (Except a monk with anti-conditions). Weakness is bad for warriors and rangers. Cripple is really bad for Warriors, Monks (Except with good anti-conditions), Mesmers and Eles.
Heavy blow doesn't help with weakness, it makes it worse.
I doubt any monk would care too much about bleeding since they have a good 20 spells to counter it. Bleeding would probably be worse for a warrior or mesmer than it would be for a Monk. A blood magic necro would laugh off bleeding.
Blind is REALLY bad for warrior. There's no need to put only one class, blind hurts both Warriors and Rangers terribly.
Hit the nail on the head for Dazed.
Knockdown hardly does anything to a fast casting mesmer but make them lose a bit of mana and slow them. Knockdown is REALLY bad for a monk becuase it stops them from healing themself and pretty bad for Ele becuase then they have that long recast time.
Fire is really bad for Necros, Warriors, and mesmers from waht I've seen. You don't really see the use of this very often.
Heavy blow doesn't help with weakness, it makes it worse.
I doubt any monk would care too much about bleeding since they have a good 20 spells to counter it. Bleeding would probably be worse for a warrior or mesmer than it would be for a Monk. A blood magic necro would laugh off bleeding.
Blind is REALLY bad for warrior. There's no need to put only one class, blind hurts both Warriors and Rangers terribly.
Hit the nail on the head for Dazed.
Knockdown hardly does anything to a fast casting mesmer but make them lose a bit of mana and slow them. Knockdown is REALLY bad for a monk becuase it stops them from healing themself and pretty bad for Ele becuase then they have that long recast time.
Fire is really bad for Necros, Warriors, and mesmers from waht I've seen. You don't really see the use of this very often.
You forgot one.
Chillblains, poisons self. :P
Chillblains, poisons self. :P
Knockdown, Death Penalty and Exhaustion aren't conditions, but always gets stuck on the conditions page on sites, causing misinformation.
This topic serves really no purpose other than to repeat what is listed here: along with some bogus "bad for" statements that seem pretty much arbitrary.
This topic serves really no purpose other than to repeat what is listed here: along with some bogus "bad for" statements that seem pretty much arbitrary.
forgot one in your list 
R spike trap
R spike trap
Yea... what the hell is the point of this really? Also, knockdowns aren't 3 seconds. Knockdown times vary due to equipment and the skill used. Oh, and disrupting chop doesn't cause a deep wound.
Haha... just saw this too.
I'm guessing you're refering to Rangers that drop spirits. I guess you could call them strongholds... how about castles? Spirit castles sounds cool. Oh, and by the way... spirits cannot be inflicted with conditions.
Haha... just saw this too.
Originally Posted by Ollj
Disease is worse for rangers because rangers tend to build stroongholds.
<3 Eonwe
This list has its uses when you build something condition based... except the commentary.
Ranger Spirit builds never bunch up close enough to spread disease - they fear smiting and fire builds so while they do tend to camp, they rarely stand close.
Melee necromancers will pay you to stack conditions on them.
Ranger Spirit builds never bunch up close enough to spread disease - they fear smiting and fire builds so while they do tend to camp, they rarely stand close.
Melee necromancers will pay you to stack conditions on them.