MAX GOLD Tower Shield (+29 Health, -2 Dmg Recieved, Strength 8 req.)
Con Quessso
16 Armor (8 Strength Req)
+29 Health (enchanted)
-2 Damage Recieved (stance)
This auction is in conjunction with THIS AUCTION at rpgtraders.
Bidding is starting at 50k w/ minimum increment 5k. By comparing this to similar shield auctions I believe this to be fair especially considering the super-low strength requirement. If I dont get any bids I'll just use it on my own Warrior but I'm not too worried about that :P
Will the accessory of the shield come alone?
50k for shield
IGN Billiard the Bold
IGN Billiard the Bold
PM me
IGN: King Gaius Julius
PM me
IGN: King Gaius Julius
Talk about posting that at the wrong time....will you take 25k and a Gold Cruel War Hammer max dmg (10 req.) w/20+ health that legthens deep wound duration? W/ Hammer thats about 65k I believe
Con Quessso
Originally Posted by trackxyj
Will the accessory of the shield come alone?
/drooling LOL
I am only looking for gold, please. I didn't mention this earlier but I will close the auction at roughly the same time as rpg traders (ie: as soon as I log on to post that it is closed).
/drooling LOL
I am only looking for gold, please. I didn't mention this earlier but I will close the auction at roughly the same time as rpg traders (ie: as soon as I log on to post that it is closed).
100k for it
Dang nice find!
Con Quessso
daily bump
Con Quessso
daily bump
Retract, Sorry bought one similar to this already
Con Quessso
closing auction a little early :P
Sold to Billiard
Sold to Billiard