Gwen gave it to me and its a quest item, but I havn't got a clue what its for.
Anyone else know?
Tapestry Shred
You really should have done a search, theres allot of topics about this.
No one actually knows what to do with it, theres allot of theories and speculation, nobody knows for sure though, you should hold onto it though.
No one actually knows what to do with it, theres allot of theories and speculation, nobody knows for sure though, you should hold onto it though.
Kuku Monk
Throw it in the trash.
From what I know of it, it's part of a broken quest, a holdover from the days of the allmighty Betas.
my bad for not doing the search.
maybe they arn't a broken quest, i found a broken flute after the searing, and yes i had given gwen a new one, I found a tattered girls cape near fishermans haven (it just popped up from nowhere)
maybe it has to do with sarah in UW, she says she's looking for her daughter gwen.
maybe they arn't a broken quest, i found a broken flute after the searing, and yes i had given gwen a new one, I found a tattered girls cape near fishermans haven (it just popped up from nowhere)
maybe it has to do with sarah in UW, she says she's looking for her daughter gwen.
ive heard a lot of theorys, but broken quest sounds the most logical to me...
I dunno but i found a guy in lions arch buying them for 15k each so i sold him my 2 that i had in storage. In any case if there ever is a use they are easy to get.