Air Elementalist Staff - Collectors
Hey, I was wondering where i could get an Max Air Elementalist Staff from collectors. Is it augury rocks or something? i'm trying to find it. plz help thanks
Lord Dorn Lendigren, just a little east of due north of Thirsty River. He needs 5 Bleached Shells (obtained from Sand Wurms).
Originally Posted by theclam
Lord Dorn Lendigren, just a little east of due north of Thirsty River. He needs 5 Bleached Shells (obtained from Sand Wurms). | - where is the air wand aswelL?? hydra claws :\
Id rather Storm Artifact + Air wand --- compared to 1 Air Staff....
Anyone has the Collectors requirement items for me?? - CN: Shin Shogun
Kaldor Meshekal
The max damage/stat Elementalist Air Staff can be obtained from the collector in Snake Dance, just outside of Camp Rankor. He requires 5 Frosted Griffon Wings for the trade.
If you want a max stat Storm Artifact, the Collector in Droknar's Forge has one for a mere 5 Stone Summit Badges.
If you want a max stat Storm Artifact, the Collector in Droknar's Forge has one for a mere 5 Stone Summit Badges.