I'd appreciate a price check on the following:
1. 10/9 Sundering Hammer Haft
2. Gold Max Damage Fiery Dragon Sword +15% while hexed +5 armor req 8
3. Sword Pommel of Enchanting 14%
4. Gold Max Ornate Buckler Req 8 tactics +7 armor versus plants
5. Blue Max Round Shield Req 10 tactics +16 hp while enchanted
6. Gold max dam Cruel Flamberge of Warding +12% over 50% lengthen deep wound +6 armor vs elemental damage req 10
7. Gold max dam Fiery Longbow of Warding +13% vs hexed foes +6 versus elemental attacks req 11
8. Gold max dam Zealous Break Hammer +13% over 50% req 10
9. UNID gold max damage/energy raven staff req 8 illusion
10. UNID gold max damage/energy raven staff req 8 earth
11. Zealous sword hilt
12. Max damage clean 8 req shadow bow
and on:
13. Max damage spatha +15% while enchanted req 7 or 8 no mods
14. Max defense skeleton or crimson carapace (crude) shield req 7 or 8 tactics -2 damage while enchanted with maybe +20-30 hp while enchanted
15. +7 vs physical or +5 armor sword pommel
Need price checkery
he fronz. Let me know if that spatha is in fact 7 req if so I'd like to offer on it