Sword elites?
I dont see how its fair to us sword warriors that axe/hammer have 2-3 elites wich are fairly good, and swords are stuck with hundred blades, Dont get me wrong its a good skill, but... its lacking, and a little variety couldnt hurt.
Anyone else think swordsmen should get another elite?
Anyone else think swordsmen should get another elite?
ShinJin Kahn
There are 2 or 3 other skills in tactics and strength that req a sword, theres none for axes or hammers so it kinda evens it out.
I understand what your saying, but how many warriors sacrifice skills in thier main (sword/axe) to get 16 in tactics or str?
Not many, What i trying to say, is that axe and hammer get the bonus of the 16 att, whereas sword doesnt.
Not many, What i trying to say, is that axe and hammer get the bonus of the 16 att, whereas sword doesnt.
Hundered blades isn't linked and is still powerul. Florish is STR linked (Which should be high anyhow) and is also very powerful.
Swords are plenty powerul without and elite anyway. You can use the elite space for another elite skill quite happily.
Swords are plenty powerul without and elite anyway. You can use the elite space for another elite skill quite happily.
Originally Posted by Krank
I understand what your saying, but how many warriors sacrifice skills in thier main (sword/axe) to get 16 in tactics or str?
Not many, What i trying to say, is that axe and hammer get the bonus of the 16 att, whereas sword doesnt. |
Originally Posted by ShinJin Kahn
There are 2 or 3 other skills in tactics and strength that req a sword, theres none for axes or hammers so it kinda evens it out.
Sword - 9, 1 Elite
Axe - 10, 2 Elite
Hammer- 12, 3 Elite
Not to mention the fact there is Dwarven Battle stance for Strength which would be yet another elite for Hammer. Not to mention Axe and Hammer can inflict Weakness, while Sword cannot. And who needs to cripple when you can just knock your opponent down?
So why did sword get the short end of the stick in this game?
Swarnt Brightstar
Because, it's all-around and basically for beginners, have you noticed that in pre-searing, you are given a starter 'SWORD'! it's generally the simplest weapon to use and they had less skills/elites because the new people would have a problem.... (at least that's my assumption, but I have no clue how someone can still be a newbie at crystal desert....)
Also, the swords damage is generally even and not a large span between min. damage and max. damage, however the axes max damage is 6-28, and the sword's staying at 15-22! then there's the hammer which almost no one uses in PvE or PvP because of the 'slow' attack speed (which is nothin' compared to a bow....) and your in-ability to use a focus (which the bow isnt able to use either).
And on the topic of the bow, can they at least make it equal to a hammer?
Keep in mind that a sword is like a W/R it's a generally an all-around character, sword is generally an all-around weapon!
Also, the swords damage is generally even and not a large span between min. damage and max. damage, however the axes max damage is 6-28, and the sword's staying at 15-22! then there's the hammer which almost no one uses in PvE or PvP because of the 'slow' attack speed (which is nothin' compared to a bow....) and your in-ability to use a focus (which the bow isnt able to use either).
And on the topic of the bow, can they at least make it equal to a hammer?
Keep in mind that a sword is like a W/R it's a generally an all-around character, sword is generally an all-around weapon!
Maybe because you can only use 1 elite skill, 2 hammer elites are similar devasting hammer knockdown + weakness, and just backbreaker with just knockdown. I find this 100 blades quite unique, no need for another sword elite, what would it do? Bleed? Server artery does that well.
Originally Posted by Racthoh
Riposte and Deadly Riposte, but no one attacks a warrior in PvP so no one uses them.

Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
Because, it's all-around and basically for beginners, have you noticed that in pre-searing, you are given a starter 'SWORD'! it's generally the simplest weapon to use and they had less skills/elites because the new people would have a problem.... (at least that's my assumption, but I have no clue how someone can still be a newbie at crystal desert....)
Also, the swords damage is generally even and not a large span between min. damage and max. damage, however the axes max damage is 6-28, and the sword's staying at 15-22! then there's the hammer which almost no one uses in PvE or PvP because of the 'slow' attack speed (which is nothin' compared to a bow....) and your in-ability to use a focus (which the bow isnt able to use either). And on the topic of the bow, can they at least make it equal to a hammer? Keep in mind that a sword is like a W/R it's a generally an all-around character, sword is generally an all-around weapon! |
Originally Posted by Thomasuwoo
You're teeling me you've never run a monk/necro/ele/mesmer with a war secondary and tried these skills? Good times
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I have a problem with the general lack of sword skills the warrior has. There isn't much variety in it, and what is the assumption when you see a sword wielding warrior? Sever, Gash, Galrath, Final. Sever, Gash, Galrath, Final. Ugh, where is the originality in that?
agreed -- there should be more elites specifically for swords
as it is, swords are great looking but somewhat weaker than the other two weapons in skilled hands.
as it is, swords are great looking but somewhat weaker than the other two weapons in skilled hands.
I've got two warrior PCs and both were given starter hammers. I feel gypped.
OT: Yeah, sword guys may need a few more skills and at least one more elite, but what they have isn't too shabby.
I only use sever and gash these days when I've got ViM equipped. Usually I have galrath and pure strike equipped.
OT: Yeah, sword guys may need a few more skills and at least one more elite, but what they have isn't too shabby.
I have a problem with the general lack of sword skills the warrior has. There isn't much variety in it, and what is the assumption when you see a sword wielding warrior? Sever, Gash, Galrath, Final. Sever, Gash, Galrath, Final. Ugh, where is the originality in that? |
Hammer skills would be better if they didnt take so many strikes of adrenaline to rack up, and if you got USEFUL hammer skills early game. What pre-searing skills do you get for swords? Sever and Gash. What pre-searing skills do you get for Hammers? Hammer Bash, which is way up there on the lame-o-meter. 8 Strikes of adrenaline to use, instant loss of any spare adrenaline you have, and ALL IT DOES IS KNOCKDOWN! It doesnt even add extra damage?!?! The skill sucks. (I know GW Guru says it's a 6 strike attack, but in game it's eight.)
Oh, yeah... Swords need more elites. Even an elite to cause weakness would be welcome.
Oh, yeah... Swords need more elites. Even an elite to cause weakness would be welcome.
Swarnt Brightstar
Originally Posted by Thomasuwoo
If you don't like your bows attackspeed have you ever tried the elite quickshot? Use this with quickening zepher and you can turn your bow into a machine gun. Another fav combo of mine ignite arrows followed by quick shot, distracting shot, quick shot.
But does the hammer have to use up 3-4 skill slots just to get it that fast?
No offense I see your point though. I use barrage as my elite because it adds 12 damage and I can spam it all day, where do you get quickshot?
Originally Posted by Racthoh
Well I've seen a few using a sword but they weren't secondary warrior. Very strange, they die fast though.
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Swarnt Brightstar
LOL, I love how my PINK chaos axe looks but I dont like axes, now I'm going hammersmiter, I gave up with the sword that really has no originality...
Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
But does the hammer have to use up 3-4 skill slots just to get it that fast?
No offense I see your point though. I use barrage as my elite because it adds 12 damage and I can spam it all day, where do you get quickshot? |
I pointed out above quick shot + distract + quick (Plus prep) That's 3 skills. If you're using zephry you just click quick shot until you run out of energy. Maxine Coldstone of Perdition rock has it. She shares a spawn with the Obsidon Flesh boss so it's a 50/50 chance she'll spawn. You'll know she's about cause she litters the island with spirts.
A quick rundown of war weapons (General)
Hammer = Nasty dmg and knockdown on a single oppent.
Axe = Deep wounding and usefull for taking on multiple oppents.
Sword = Bleeding, Cripling, Good Dmg combinations, Generaly for one oppent.
By far the best skill on the sword is hamstring. Very underused but prevents your opponet from running. By using hunderd blades it can build up adrenalin in enemy groups far faster then cyclone axe. You can also use final thurst galrarth slash and pure strike for some straight up dmg.
Hammers can't cause Bleeding or Crippled (With hammer skills)
Axes can't cause Bleeding (With axe skills)
Swords can't cause Weakness (With Sword skills)
Also don't forget savage slash. It will intuerpt the action regaurdless of what it was (Just like distracting shot, without the nasty recharge time vs skills attached.) and if it was a spell cause extra dmg.
The sword is a very versatile weapon and is usally the best choice for a non war primary. I could work on a few builds to counter the more popular ones out there if anyone is interested.
Originally Posted by Thomasuwoo
A quick rundown of war weapons (General)
Hammer = Nasty dmg and knockdown on a single oppent. Axe = Deep wounding and usefull for taking on multiple oppents. Sword = Bleeding, Cripling, Good Dmg combinations, Generaly for one oppent. By far the best skill on the sword is hamstring. Very underused but prevents your opponet from running. By using hunderd blades it can build up adrenalin in enemy groups far faster then cyclone axe. You can also use final thurst galrarth slash and pure strike for some straight up dmg. Hammers can't cause Bleeding or Crippled (With hammer skills) Axes can't cause Bleeding (With axe skills) Swords can't cause Weakness (With Sword skills) Also don't forget savage slash. It will intuerpt the action regaurdless of what it was (Just like distracting shot, without the nasty recharge time vs skills attached.) and if it was a spell cause extra dmg. The sword is a very versatile weapon and is usally the best choice for a non war primary. I could work on a few builds to counter the more popular ones out there if anyone is interested. |
This said, I'm a truely convinced sword warrior, though I'm Warrior primary and I have 0 Tactics. In my opinion, there are three skills (2 adrenal and 1 energy) in Swordsmanship that make this one of the best choices for a Warrior; and none of them are elites. Having tried both Hammer and Axe mastery, I've always found myself reverting back to Swordsmanship later on.
It really depends a lot on your build, but believe me, swords are not underpowered.
Hell no.
Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
Because, it's all-around and basically for beginners, have you noticed that in pre-searing, you are given a starter 'SWORD'! it's generally the simplest weapon to use and they had less skills/elites because the new people would have a problem.... (at least that's my assumption, but I have no clue how someone can still be a newbie at crystal desert....)
Also, the swords damage is generally even and not a large span between min. damage and max. damage, however the axes max damage is 6-28, and the sword's staying at 15-22! then there's the hammer which almost no one uses in PvE or PvP because of the 'slow' attack speed (which is nothin' compared to a bow....) and your in-ability to use a focus (which the bow isnt able to use either). And on the topic of the bow, can they at least make it equal to a hammer? Keep in mind that a sword is like a W/R it's a generally an all-around character, sword is generally an all-around weapon! |
WOW are you dumb you get a starter hammer in pre searing PWNED
Terra Xin
Warriors has 1 more elite than every other class... Because that extra elite slot was stolen from the Mesmer, who has 1 less elite than every other class.
I think I'm referring to core classes when I say this too...
I think I'm referring to core classes when I say this too...
Originally Posted by chaoticmadness
WOW are you dumb you get a starter hammer in pre searing PWNED
Pros: Small adreanline cost, Bleeding
Cons: You use much more slots on SB for swords skills, Also all combos are the same Hundred blades, Sever Artery, Gash, Final Thrust.
Pros: High Criticals, Versatile
Cons: Higher adrenaline costs
Pros: Huge Damage, Knocking Down, Lot of Interrupts
Cons: Two handed, high adrenaline cost.
I can't say if any of them is better or worse, but...
... only with sword player you can expect specific elite: Hundred Blades. That means that there is not enough other options. I agree that there should be more elites for Swordmanship (or at least move those parry and ripostes from Tactics to Swordmanship)
Pros: Small adreanline cost, Bleeding
Cons: You use much more slots on SB for swords skills, Also all combos are the same Hundred blades, Sever Artery, Gash, Final Thrust.
Pros: High Criticals, Versatile
Cons: Higher adrenaline costs
Pros: Huge Damage, Knocking Down, Lot of Interrupts
Cons: Two handed, high adrenaline cost.
I can't say if any of them is better or worse, but...
... only with sword player you can expect specific elite: Hundred Blades. That means that there is not enough other options. I agree that there should be more elites for Swordmanship (or at least move those parry and ripostes from Tactics to Swordmanship)
Hand of Ruin
One word: Reposite
Honestly this skill is amazing in PvE... and is the only reason I use a sword. I have always prefered axes and have become extremely comfortable with them, but there are times I sorely miss having a sword with me.
Honestly this skill is amazing in PvE... and is the only reason I use a sword. I have always prefered axes and have become extremely comfortable with them, but there are times I sorely miss having a sword with me.
Curse You
Originally Posted by MarcinJ13
Pros: Small adreanline cost, Bleeding Cons: You use much more slots on SB for swords skills, Also all combos are the same Hundred blades, Sever Artery, Gash, Final Thrust. Axes: Pros: High Criticals, Versatile Cons: Higher adrenaline costs Hammers: Pros: Huge Damage, Knocking Down, Lot of Interrupts Cons: Two handed, high adrenaline cost. I can't say if any of them is better or worse, but... ... only with sword player you can expect specific elite: Hundred Blades. That means that there is not enough other options. I agree that there should be more elites for Swordmanship (or at least move those parry and ripostes from Tactics to Swordmanship) |