WTS-1 of Best Sheilds in Game, along with other rares
Taking offers, I can refuse to sell if prices aren't that good.
Crude Sheild - 30k ghazgkull
Buckler - 2k Ballmath
1k for each XD
no min bid so must as well give it a shot
no min bid so must as well give it a shot
crude shield 5k
ign i killed kenny
ign i killed kenny
not the best shield in the game but it is really good
20k on shield
IGN = ghazgkull briselame
IGN = ghazgkull briselame
30k on shield
IGN = ghazgkull briselame
IGN = ghazgkull briselame
{edit} to the below;
Where does my thread say that this is the rarest sheild? The title reads, and I quote, "WTS-1 of Best Sheilds in Game, along with other rares ". It says 1 of the best, not the best, so stfu. Now explain to me how this sheild is not one of the best in the games. Also, please get your head out of the mods ass and stop trying to up your post count to get a higher rank.
Also if I remember correctly, the rules also say don't post in a trade thread if you don't have an offer, so please gtfo of my thread. Excuse me if everyone thinks this was unneccasary, but people like this get on my nerves.
Thank you and good day.
{edit} to the below;
Where does my thread say that this is the rarest sheild? The title reads, and I quote, "WTS-1 of Best Sheilds in Game, along with other rares ". It says 1 of the best, not the best, so stfu. Now explain to me how this sheild is not one of the best in the games. Also, please get your head out of the mods ass and stop trying to up your post count to get a higher rank.
Also if I remember correctly, the rules also say don't post in a trade thread if you don't have an offer, so please gtfo of my thread. Excuse me if everyone thinks this was unneccasary, but people like this get on my nerves.
Thank you and good day.
ok MCS he's bumping 2 early, and those shields arent rarest.
plz close.
plz close.
Daily Bump
2k on Buckler
last bump