Gwen's broken flute post-searing?
Ok, so i was running the quest the scribe in ascalon gives you to go to old ascalon and get some records or something and i found gwens broken flute??? when i look at it in the inventory it just says "gwens broken flute" and nothing else. no "quest item" or anything else writen in it. so my questions are has anyone else seen it and if so is there a known purpose for it? (other then taking up inventory space, beting thrown out, or cheap nostalgia) and yes i did do the broken flute quest pre searing.
I found one too and was wondering the same it for a quest?
Gwen is still useless untill now
In Pre-Searing you can give her 5 Flowers, a Flute and a Cape, then she'll give you a Tapedstry Shred. In Post-Searing you can find Gwen's Broken Flute and Gwen's Tattered Cape. Maybe if you have all these items in your inventory you'll get something special?
Noone ever found out though..

well u can equip it as a focus if that helps i think u can find gwen in tyhe uw if u have it equipped or sumthin
Originally Posted by 12eckoning
well u can equip it as a focus if that helps i think u can find gwen in tyhe uw if u have it equipped or sumthin
Complete and utter rubbish, nothing but rumor. The flute can be held as a focus. But you won't find Gwen anywhere while holding it.
Gwen is not anywhere in the Post-Searing game, not the Underworld, FoW or anyplace else.
There are 3 quest items, the broken flute, the shard and the cape. At the moment these 3 items do nothing, but in the mean time everyone is holding onto them to see if ever add a use for them.
Stupid Shizno
^^ True
But you can find Gwens Mom (sarah i think) in UW, she is a ghost. Though the UW has been updated and I believe they replaced some of the ghosts.
But you can find Gwens Mom (sarah i think) in UW, she is a ghost. Though the UW has been updated and I believe they replaced some of the ghosts.
Numa Pompilius
Gwen is one of the recurring themes in Guild Wars. Apparently she was supposed to have a quest but it never got implemented, but the clues are scattered everywhere, and people have spent a lot of time and effort trying to figure out what's going on.
Actually I was surprised there weren't any Gwen related clues in Prophecies. Bit of a missed opportunity for ANet there, I think.
Another "loose end" is the spider in Ember Light Camp.
Actually I was surprised there weren't any Gwen related clues in Prophecies. Bit of a missed opportunity for ANet there, I think.
Another "loose end" is the spider in Ember Light Camp.
Malice Black
think of dwaynes (sp?) area...chap3 find gwen give shit...u get the picture
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Another "loose end" is the spider in Ember Light Camp.
I think the spider was meant to show you the way to the next mission area, but guess changed their minds since the Spider is weak and dies easily in the HoD quest.
So the Spider not a "loose end" at all

Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by Death3D
^^ True
But you can find Gwens Mom (sarah i think) in UW, she is a ghost. Though the UW has been updated and I believe they replaced some of the ghosts. |
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
Yes, Sarah is there, but she doesn't say anything when you try to talk to her. On the other hand, I believe Gwen has come back as a little oriental girl. I saw her in factions the other day skipping around just like Gwen used to do. Has Gwen been reincarnated?
All the girls in Cathan just use the "Gwen" model and animation.
If I were ANet I'd wait a few Chapters and slip a Gwen quest in Post-Sear in a simple update and not say a word about it.
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
Yes, Sarah is there, but she doesn't say anything when you try to talk to her. On the other hand, I believe Gwen has come back as a little oriental girl. I saw her in factions the other day skipping around just like Gwen used to do. Has Gwen been reincarnated?
It just an incomplete quest, and no one knows if anet is going to finish it or not.
Maybe a comeback to tyria a few years from now. who knows.
on the other hand I still have in my invenotry the first, broken flute/cape/flute/tapestry shred. I still hold on to them, who knows.
Broken Flute : check
Tapestry Shred : check
I still hold on to both, although I'm pretty sure it has evolved into a Anet plot to con us out of to inventory spaces...
Tapestry Shred : check
I still hold on to both, although I'm pretty sure it has evolved into a Anet plot to con us out of to inventory spaces...