I was responding to one of the posts about the economy changes and after seeing everything they have done, reading the numerous posts, here is my thought on what Anet is trying to do with all these changes.
I think that the way the game was set up was working until bot farming / gold selling for $ / and repeat farming of chests-same monsters for specific gold items was causing the inflation of the economy. For these reasons they had to change the economy.
Most likely, there are more changes down the road to try and achieve this effect that may be a permanent or temp effect that may make no sense or people will get ticked at.
Here is what I think Anet idea is on how they wanted the game to be played and keep up with your stuff without the need for farming (of the same area / mob / chest over and over again,). I do think they expect some farming for the collector items.
You are suppose to sell your not so good stuff to merchants for gold / or convert them for the materials you need for your armor upgrades.
Runes are suppose to be taken from item for your own use.
You are suppose to use the collectors (and they changed to reveal how cool they really are) for weapons upgrades if you don't get a good drop to upgrade your own weapon. Most collectors can get close to rival some Max Damage gold stuff.
The 15k Armor Fow Armor, 15k Armor, Black Dye is meant to be rare, long sought after items (not something you get in a month). You are also meant to do FoW/Uw Missions to get the materials or decent drops doing many visits to work towards this (and possible the new free zones coming). With the armor in particular, it's meant to be a long sought after prize.
Once you do get that very nice drop (rarely) you can sell for $$ that you can't use it's that lucky day for some of the fluff stuff (I am in to the fluff stuff like 15k armor myself) or for runes that you didn't get etc.
With this also in mind, the 1st time through is also a learning experience for new players who ditch the items for collector's, don't know what materials they will need.
Now for players that been playing before all these changes / altering the economy it can be very frustrating for the people that made it rich aka the have's and have's not.
People that do the bots, repeat farming for gold items for sale at high price, etc are going to be frustrated at this.
This is my personal opinion on things. I know some people will disagree with this, what are other people's thoughts?
Reasons why all I think of all the changes (economic)
Numa Pompilius
I think you do a good job of explaining what ANet intended, but I don't see what your suggestion to fix this is?
IMO it can be easily fixable by not allowing trade of gold or items between players, but that's of course quite harsh and would generate very little love. Trading would mean demand pre-payment, group with the customer, enter a mission, and drop the item they wanted to sell - without completely taking away the ability to trade.
Whatever they do will generate a lot of moaning here on guildwarsguru as a lot of people are presenty farming and selling stuff in the game.
IMO it can be easily fixable by not allowing trade of gold or items between players, but that's of course quite harsh and would generate very little love. Trading would mean demand pre-payment, group with the customer, enter a mission, and drop the item they wanted to sell - without completely taking away the ability to trade.
Whatever they do will generate a lot of moaning here on guildwarsguru as a lot of people are presenty farming and selling stuff in the game.
I just want to know why i got 3 griffon wings from a griffon boss and two topaz crests from a drake boss.
As for the economy, i'll leave that up to Anet to decide what's financially right.
Sure am having a bad luck streak after a good period. Non-max items from bosses etc. Oh well, roll with the changes.
15k armour...i'm not getting any until after the expansion next year. There could well be a better choice on offer by then
I hunt for items for my own amusement, if i decide to sell stuff to players, it's always well below what ANYONE else does yet people still don't buy the stuff.
Max gold items for just double what the collector would pay! OMG the merchant is having a good day everyday with me!
Anet needs to smack the botters in the face but not crap on the genuine people in the process.

As for the economy, i'll leave that up to Anet to decide what's financially right.
Sure am having a bad luck streak after a good period. Non-max items from bosses etc. Oh well, roll with the changes.
15k armour...i'm not getting any until after the expansion next year. There could well be a better choice on offer by then
I hunt for items for my own amusement, if i decide to sell stuff to players, it's always well below what ANYONE else does yet people still don't buy the stuff.
Max gold items for just double what the collector would pay! OMG the merchant is having a good day everyday with me!
Anet needs to smack the botters in the face but not crap on the genuine people in the process.
(Numa Pompilius)
From what going on so far Anet had done. The low price of the buy back on the traders, the nerfing of drops across the board, targeting bots is everything anet has done so far.
I like the idea of not trading gold but I don't see them implementing it, I think too many people would leave. I would add a weapons upgrade trader for starters. They don't need exotic weapon traders since they have collectors.
I would personally also switch the traders to a fixed selling price instead of a psudo market driven one. That would force the real players to sell at or below the merchants on merchant item yet preserve the Max Gold item trade while having direct manipulation of the gold in general via the trader route. I would still keep dye based of market driven since dye is like 15k armor, cool but not required.
I think anet had to make some hard choices, try to fix the system and piss a lot of people off or let thing go out of control.
I too wish they found a way to kill the bots and not nerf everyone in the process but I think manually repeat non-bot farming also would cause this at a much slower rate.
I'm also rolling with the changes and have some frustration because I'm very in to looking different 15k armor / dyes and having the old system in place where I could of taken advantage of it. I started when the game came out but never did any repeat target farming / was always scrapping buy. In the past month I've learned to love the collector and ignored them at 1st.
From what going on so far Anet had done. The low price of the buy back on the traders, the nerfing of drops across the board, targeting bots is everything anet has done so far.
I like the idea of not trading gold but I don't see them implementing it, I think too many people would leave. I would add a weapons upgrade trader for starters. They don't need exotic weapon traders since they have collectors.
I would personally also switch the traders to a fixed selling price instead of a psudo market driven one. That would force the real players to sell at or below the merchants on merchant item yet preserve the Max Gold item trade while having direct manipulation of the gold in general via the trader route. I would still keep dye based of market driven since dye is like 15k armor, cool but not required.
I think anet had to make some hard choices, try to fix the system and piss a lot of people off or let thing go out of control.
I too wish they found a way to kill the bots and not nerf everyone in the process but I think manually repeat non-bot farming also would cause this at a much slower rate.
I'm also rolling with the changes and have some frustration because I'm very in to looking different 15k armor / dyes and having the old system in place where I could of taken advantage of it. I started when the game came out but never did any repeat target farming / was always scrapping buy. In the past month I've learned to love the collector and ignored them at 1st.
OK, I was just reading, I havn't been playing since I'm on vacation and I'm still around lvl 15. BUT what are collectors! Last time i checked you got better drops then what you get from collectors.. Some please enlighten me.
The collector are the npc that usually want 5 or less of a specific monster drop (think Unnatural seed, etc) and will trade you weapons, better versions of your basic set of armor, or 2nd hand items (shields), focus, etc.
There's a great threed on where collector's are at and what they offer here:
There's a great threed on where collector's are at and what they offer here:
You know what I think ANet is doing? Weeding out all the complainers/scammers/greifers. Once they realize the game isn't going to be fixed, they leave. ANet sees only the diehard fans are left, and we get a Utopia of goodies. *Crosses fingers.*
Originally Posted by EternalTempest
The collector are the npc that usually want 5 or less of a specific monster drop (think Unnatural seed, etc) and will trade you weapons, better versions of your basic set of armor, or 2nd hand items (shields), focus, etc.
There's a great threed on where collector's are at and what they offer here: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ead.php?t=9187 |