24 Jul 2005 at 08:53 - 18
Oh man, I had a hellacious UW group one time...
Ok, so it's me(W/Mo tank), another W/(necro, I think?) tank, 2 monks(healbots, very bad ones- I'll get to that in a sec), a necro(not sure his focus, but not minions or wells), 2 elementalists(a nuker of some sort and a point-blank nuker, I think #2 was- more on him too in a sec), and a ranger(trapper). Looks pretty solid on paper, right? We got a couple tanks, a couple healers, a couple nukers, a trapper, and a necro to do his thing. Should be kickass.
Let's start with the Ranger, because he kicked off everyone one of our misbegotten encounters. Dude says "Let me pull I'm ranger and I can pull good." We go, well, ok, he's gonna be setting traps anyways, right? Let him set his traps and pull the aatxes back onto them. Then us tanks can lock 'em down and get 'em nuked. Classic tactics. Well, the ranger goes and sets ONE trap(a fire trap I think, although we'll never know for sure) near the base of the stairs ahead of us tanks, and then runs forward just as a single patrolling aatxes is wandering past the first 2 stand-stills. Rangerboy doesn't bother using his bow to aggro them; oh no, REAL MEN run up and use their STUPID UGLY FACE to get the badguy's attention! So he aggro's all 3 aatxes, and kinda half runs, half backpedals to the stairs, and then decided it's time to STAND AND FIGHT, BOYS! Well me and the other tank, not knowing any better yet and being gallent souls, rush forward to engage and try and save this dumb schmuck. Amazingly it works, we draw aggro off the ranger(who ran away like a ninny and hid behind the monks at this point). Now we have 3 pissed off and unharmed and un-debuffed aatxes in our face. Great.
Well, we die in the most rapid and horrendous manner possible, because the aatxes are spiking the HELL outta us and our monks seem to have loaded only a handful of heals- maybe signet of devotion, I dunno. Not enough to even come close to dealing with the damage we're taking.(later I saw one of them use healing seed on myself, about 8 seconds before I came into range of another aatxe- oh these guys were good.) While we're getting cut to ribbons, here's what the rest of our team is doing though:
The monks are kinda half-assed healing us, basically giving us an extra 5 seconds to make peace with our maker before going to visit him.
The ranger that got us into this mess is running screaming for somewhere safe, like maybe pre-searing ascalon city, somewhere near the bridge where you first come into existance.
One elementalist is hanging right behind our battle line, I think trying to do point-blank AoE's. Couldn't tell, because the second I died he came under attack from 2 aatxes and died almost instantly.
The necro is right next to that first elementalist, I think casting vampiric touch. Whatever it did, it didn't help. He lasted .9 seconds longer than the elementalist.
The last elementalist is back with the monks, throwing down AoE's(firestorm, I think it was, maybe a meteor or two as well) at where the aatxes HAD been. Now, maybe he was just lagged, or maybe we weren't holding them in place long enough for his spells to hit. So, I'll give him benefit of the doubt that he PROBABLY wasn't an idiot.
Somehow after the 4 of us on the frontline died, the survivors were able to break aggro with the two sentinels and bring down the patrolling aatxes that we'd beaten on. First Battle: aatxes 4, group 1. So everyone is cursing everyone else out(mostly me and the tank other cursing out the monks, but also the ranger a bit) and throwing around blame, while the monks are ressing people and getting everyone healed. We're almost ready to take another go at the first aatxes when suddenly the other tank goes "Wait, you used WHAT on me?" and falls over dead- Hey man, who knew vengeance had a 30 second time limit! Oops! Yeah, vengeance, the skill for giving you one last chance to bring that bastard that killed you down, and works OH SO WELL after the battle is over! Mind boggling.
Needless to say the rest of that UW experience was equally spectacular, featuring us attacking, fighting, dying, and being res'd sometime after very often. Against all odds and logical expectations we managed to fight through to the completion of the first quest(most of us with 60% DP by midway through), and then naturally someone selected both of the next quests from that ghost and got us all killed by Vengeful Aatxes. Infamous last words: "They can't REALLY be impossible to kill. Shut up and tank them for us."