Need price check on gold hammer



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005


i was about to sell this for 1K unID, but i decided not to take a risk on loosing out on a good item, and i IDed it....and it looks pretty nice. but i'm not expert, so PC please.
i've seen the same hammer, with same req, but no +7armor, being sold for 51K as the c/o and 75k as the b/o, so right now, i'm hoping for the best.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

why would you ever consider selling a max dmg unid weapon for 1k? Anyways, hammer is worth anywhere from 20-35k. If someone was advertising it as 51k c/o, he was either:
1)selling a mursaat hammer/popular hammer
2)lying and making up a fake c/o
3)selling it to a person who didn't know the general value of hammers yet had a ton of money.