Caught in the grind...
Alright, I've done this with two seperate characters now, and run into the same exact problem. I have no trouble getting to Yak's Bend and attaining level 14 or 15 by the time I am there. Both characters (W/Mo and R/N) have the best armor and weapons available, but both seem to hit a brick wall at this point. I can solo with either character and do anything or go anywhere up to Yak's. At Yak's even with a healer henchman I take 2~3 hits and am dead. The warrior stands up a little more, but it's still almost as bad.
Now I could easily get allt he henchmen to follow me, but then I'd get 1xp per kill and never level. As it is, I only get 16xp from most thing that can take me out in a few hits. Is it me or is this unbalanced? Only thing I can figure is that you need to be a higher level to stand up long enough to get them or get to a place that offers better armor. Problem with that is that nothing gives me experience.
My solution to that was to buy some runes in Ascalon to juice up my armor and character. After a solid week of trying to get money, I finally got a major swordsmanship rune, major health rune, and major tactics rune. I also bought two minor runes of absorbtion. The absorbtion runes are on the botos and leggings, the health rune (major my butt, it added virtually NOTHING after I blew 4.9k on it, and they can't be stacked on multiple armor pieces!!) is on my hauberk, the tactics is on my helm, and the swordsmanship is on my gauntlets. I wound up comming out worse since the negative effects stack (-50 on swordsmanship, -50 on tactics) but positive ones won't. That alone is lame.
So what do I do at this point? I've partied up with friends and henchmen alike and can't do much. Please don't insult my gaming abilities either, because I have been playing RPG's for years and only found one other game that I had to force myself to play through in the whole time I have been playing. I can't make any money, I can't gain experience, and I can't move forward. What do I do?
Now I could easily get allt he henchmen to follow me, but then I'd get 1xp per kill and never level. As it is, I only get 16xp from most thing that can take me out in a few hits. Is it me or is this unbalanced? Only thing I can figure is that you need to be a higher level to stand up long enough to get them or get to a place that offers better armor. Problem with that is that nothing gives me experience.
My solution to that was to buy some runes in Ascalon to juice up my armor and character. After a solid week of trying to get money, I finally got a major swordsmanship rune, major health rune, and major tactics rune. I also bought two minor runes of absorbtion. The absorbtion runes are on the botos and leggings, the health rune (major my butt, it added virtually NOTHING after I blew 4.9k on it, and they can't be stacked on multiple armor pieces!!) is on my hauberk, the tactics is on my helm, and the swordsmanship is on my gauntlets. I wound up comming out worse since the negative effects stack (-50 on swordsmanship, -50 on tactics) but positive ones won't. That alone is lame.
So what do I do at this point? I've partied up with friends and henchmen alike and can't do much. Please don't insult my gaming abilities either, because I have been playing RPG's for years and only found one other game that I had to force myself to play through in the whole time I have been playing. I can't make any money, I can't gain experience, and I can't move forward. What do I do?
The level cap is 20. Why do you care if you level up slower?
The Unknown Enemy
Even though the level cap is 20, people do want to level faster, and when they get to 20, they receive skill points, which are used for cap signets. But as for the monsters there, my necro/ele/monk had no problem there with them. All 3 had primary or secondary monk in their profession, so I would jsut grab 2 warrior henchmen, and could make my way through it easily...
Yeah I know, but that wasn't my point. I can't proceed in the game whether I am grouped or not, and I can't get cash to save my life. I have a purple sword of shelter that does 15-22 and a shield that provides 16 armor, but it isn't enough. I need to figure out how you're supposed to get gold for better things (especially when they cost as much as 90plat) or how to fight something that can take down parties of two in two to three hits.
yeah the item drops arent really good in northern shiverpeaks anyways so dont feel afraid to grab a full party of henchies and go. If you have some guildmates or friends to play with thru kryta, desert, southern shivers, and ring of fire you will find that playing becomes a lot easier and the wealth "stays in the guild" since the drops will be awarded to people in your guild and not henchies.
And i never had a problem of dying in 2-3 hits. What armor are you using?
And i never had a problem of dying in 2-3 hits. What armor are you using?
No offense dude, but if you're level 14-15 at Yak's, you're way too high to be there. Look at the henchies' levels. That is the minimum level the area is designed for. 2-3 levels above them and you should be rocking and rolling in a group. This game is about cooperative play. Not soloing.
Um you're getting 16 exp because you're level 16 at yaks bend...
I'm like 10 maybe when I get there lol....
You're supposed to use a full group.
I'm like 10 maybe when I get there lol....
You're supposed to use a full group.
Master Oria
To be honest, the game was design for full groups to do quest, missions, or plain adventuring. It is possible to go alone to do things later on ( I solo lvl 24 Blessed griffons for loot ) But once you get to Yaks Bend, you dont have the best armor yet to solo well. or the skills and attribute points required to make you stronger. If you worry about experience, there will be plenty of places for you to get it later. each fissure run for instance can easely get you 40K in experience if you do most of the quest. ( thats a skill point per run )
At level 15 I was already in Kryta, so even in a group i was getting ok xp. then once you get to lvl 20 and ascend, you will notice that all the monsters you fight are lvl 21 to 24 ( 29 in underworld ) so you will always be able to get tons of XP later on.
At level 15 I was already in Kryta, so even in a group i was getting ok xp. then once you get to lvl 20 and ascend, you will notice that all the monsters you fight are lvl 21 to 24 ( 29 in underworld ) so you will always be able to get tons of XP later on.
Originally Posted by Baratus
or how to fight something that can take down parties of two in two to three hits.
maybe im just mean, but i find it amusing that you put that time and effort into dropping major runes into your armor without bothering to read up on how they actually work before you did so.
THIS IS NOT A SOLO GAME. get over it, get a group and get on with the game. when you have end game armor and skills, then you can find ways to effectively farm.
Puddin Tame
Maybe you die in 2 hits because your health is so low from all the major runes 0_o
The most efficient way to get experience is to get as far in the game as fast as you can. (Runners are an option) Dinking (does anyone use dinking anymore--great word) around getting exp and such is a waste of time. Trust me, I can easily get 3500 exp every fifteen minutes at level 20, there is no reason to waste time leveling up.
Your level 15, your at Yaks. You are too big, the area is too small. Get in a group of players who are going to the next mission area, and get there. Or pay someone a small fee to take you there. Do the missions and get further in the game, the game isnt a solo game, its a group game. Even if you only get 1xp a kill, you should be grouping. Get further in the game, that will help alot for your exp...but really exp doesnt matter, its definately not something you should focus on.
Money is another issue. Money is not necessary in GW. You need to buy armor from Droknars Forge when you get there, 1500 gold and materials each. You should have that by the time you get there if you play the game normally, since you are behind you wont have any issue at all with the cash. People sell things for 90k, heck some people sell things for 400k, that doestn mean you need to buy them or that they are really that good for that matter. Everything you need in game can be gotten from collectors, except upgrades, which are easy enough to find. Trade with guildies if there is something you feel you 'really' need.
Your level 15, your at Yaks. You are too big, the area is too small. Get in a group of players who are going to the next mission area, and get there. Or pay someone a small fee to take you there. Do the missions and get further in the game, the game isnt a solo game, its a group game. Even if you only get 1xp a kill, you should be grouping. Get further in the game, that will help alot for your exp...but really exp doesnt matter, its definately not something you should focus on.
Money is another issue. Money is not necessary in GW. You need to buy armor from Droknars Forge when you get there, 1500 gold and materials each. You should have that by the time you get there if you play the game normally, since you are behind you wont have any issue at all with the cash. People sell things for 90k, heck some people sell things for 400k, that doestn mean you need to buy them or that they are really that good for that matter. Everything you need in game can be gotten from collectors, except upgrades, which are easy enough to find. Trade with guildies if there is something you feel you 'really' need.
I tried partying tot he max (6/6) and went on two quests. I kept having to ressurect the NPCs and twice had to run for my life after they all died. Other times I'd finish the monsters then use ressurect five times. I'll keep toying with different NPC combos to see what works best, and once I finish all the quests at Yak's, I'll move on.
My guild is another issue. My clanners (clan being the term from most every FPS) and I play Red Orchestra and some other games right now and would like to form a guild, but the game bugs and won't let us. You can say "Horsemen" in-game and it's fine. Use it in a guild name and it filters for "semen", which while being a 'not-so-pleasant' word, isn't even a curse-word! I informed the developers via support several versions ago and still no go! That has me frustrated because we're waiting for the bug to get fixed just so we can form our guild. I've already missed a few talented GW players because I couldn't form the guild.
My guild is another issue. My clanners (clan being the term from most every FPS) and I play Red Orchestra and some other games right now and would like to form a guild, but the game bugs and won't let us. You can say "Horsemen" in-game and it's fine. Use it in a guild name and it filters for "semen", which while being a 'not-so-pleasant' word, isn't even a curse-word! I informed the developers via support several versions ago and still no go! That has me frustrated because we're waiting for the bug to get fixed just so we can form our guild. I've already missed a few talented GW players because I couldn't form the guild.
Things take alot of time when dealing with Devs, in every game. Pick a new name for your guild. Dont let a name hang you up. Later, if they allow the filter to accept Horsemen, you can remake with a cape for 2200 gold, which is nothing. If you wait for them to change the filter to accept horsemen, you will probably never have a guild, cause I really doubt thats high on their priority list.
Try grouping with real people if henchies arent cutting it. Normally, real people can get alot more done. Once you become very familiar with how the game works, henchmen are alot easier to deal with.
Try grouping with real people if henchies arent cutting it. Normally, real people can get alot more done. Once you become very familiar with how the game works, henchmen are alot easier to deal with.
Yeah, try Horse Men instead.
I'm playing a lot with just henchmen and find around Yak's bend (and a bit beyond) I do need to have a party of 6. But if you play a bit tactically, it can be done. You definitely need to progress slowly, and in some places shoot and back off so that you don't activate too many more enemies while fighting the first ones.
Have solo'd (with henchmen) to 16 (my first character) using a ele/war (not usually considered a strong combo but I have learned how to tank with him and do quite well) with sub par equipment and have been too Lions, henge, maguuma, ect. It gets hard sometimes (I spend quite a bit of time at -60%) and usually end up losing my healer but I continue on as you can usually still get where you want to go. I was glad to get out of the shiver peaks though. Always hated snow areas in all games.
Ole Man Bourbon
No Shiverpeaks are kinda boring, agreed. Try switching skill attributes--try to match your damage types to the enemies' weaknesses--which would be fire in the SHiverpeaks. Always bring Alesia, btw.

several things
1 get rid of the superior runes for now by putting them in storage and getting a fresh piece of the armor crafted and use MINOR runes because you need the health more now than the extra point
2. use a full group (henchies for me) and do the missions and the BONUS missions because you get 1000 exp each no matter how many are in the group
use however many are needed for quests that offer skills to save skill points
here is some reading that might help with background and has some good points even though you are past the levels of the guides
i read his thingy he said hes at yaks bend right if im correct hes probably going tru lomars pass and not the other gate. if so lomars pass is pretty hard to solo most people just run it to get people to draknors. and you have to many mayors they reduce your healht by 50 each. so you hae -100 healht, add the 40 healht from mayor vigor you have -60 health.