I've got a problem. I never settle for a character. I always try different chars til I get tired of it all. That's what happened with WoW. At last I realized that Rogue was the best choice for me and I would had played longer if not for all the other 20 lvl 18-40 chars that I had created.
Now I'm going to try GW and I would like to ask you people who have played both games;
Is there a build that could be compared with the feeling of a Rogue in the sence that it has the fast button tapping and many skills that are so equal so it's always kept interesting when you don't always know what strategy to use. I doesn't have to be Melee. I like everykind of gameplay if it's fast and you get to think abit.
I could bet Warrior/Monk is really not what I'm looking for if it resembles Paladin in WoW. Slow skills and not too many different strategies. But please correct me if I'm wrong...
Thanks in advance!
Need help from former WoW players... another build question.
ranger is prolly the closest
The Warbringer
Originally Posted by EmperorTippy
ranger is prolly the closest
I agree all the way..
I think you'd like playing a Ranger/Mesmer. For PvP they're generally used for interrupting spells. You've got to be quick on casting and you've got to keep a close eye on the casters.