For sale by auction (or bestoffer)
End date: August 1st, 2005
Only increments of 100 gold will be considered
No reserve or min bids!!!
Monk Rune of Major Healing Prayers
Improves Healing Prayers
Health -50
Necromancer Rune of Major Curses
Improves Curses
Health -50
Bow String
Zealous - Energy gain on hit: 1; Energy regeneration -1
Bow Grip
Deatbane - Dmg +11% (vs undead)
Axe Grips
Axe Mastery [Qty: 2] - Axe Mastery +1 (10% chance while using skills)
Enchanting - Enchantments last 10% longer
Shelter - Armor +4 (vs physical attacks)
Axe Haft
Poisoner's - Lengthens Poison duration on foe
Hammer Grips
Enchanting - Enchantments last 14% longer
Defense - Armor +4
Staff Wrappings
Shelter - Armor +4 (vs physical attacks)
Warding [Qty: 2] - Armor +4 (vs elemental attacks)
Skeletonslaying - Dmg +10% (vs skeletons)
Defense [Qty: 2] - Armor +4
Vial of Dye
Purple [Qty: 2]
Contact Info
IGN: Shadow Mountain
AIM: GFDMorpheus
Available: after 5pm EST
WTS - Runes, Bow String, Bow Grip, Axe Grips, Axe Haft, Hammer Grips, Staff Wrappings
* bump * Pics coming soon
ok, so I lied about pics coming soon. But seriosuly, I would like to get these out of my bags.