I have fiery sword hilt that makes my sword dmg fire, my question is:
If i will put the hilt on my sword will it still be called "Phisical dmg" or my enemy will take Elemental dmg?
Phisical dmg?
The undead Mesmer
it whil take elemental damage
same if you use a icy sword hilt on it
same if you use a icy sword hilt on it

It will say Fire Damage, which is elemental damage.
(Just to be specific.)
(Just to be specific.)
So that dmg will hit the chest? or it can hurt all the 5 armor body?
It can hit any armor piece. Basically there is a set % chance of any attack hitting a certain part of the body. Certain attacks/skills/spells have a tendency to, or are set to, always hit the 1 armor piece (ie firestorm hitting the "head"), but otherwise there is a random chance/percentage of any piece of armor/body being hit.
It is the way the damage is delivered that determines what targetting method is used, not the damage type.