16 def defender with +38 health while enchant 12 str req
I'm not having any luck buying something like this; usually goes for more gold than I have to spend on it. So, I probably need to start looking for one. Can anyone tell me what would have the best chance of dropping something like it? You can send me a PM if you don't want to post it in public.
Thanks in advance.
What most likely drops this shield?
Try searching in the ROF area.
Probably higher chances of dropping in the Underworld or Fissure of Woe, but it could potentially drop anywhere. If you really want it you're probably better off trying to save the money for it, unless you happen to get very lucky and get the exact, extremely rare, drop that you want.
Southern Shiverpeaks, ROF area drops my favorite shield MAGMAS!!! It owns the pants off Shaow (booo!) and Etheral, I like Aegis over etheral, dunno why people think the RAREST item looks the best.
Amei Leng
Originally Posted by quanzong
my favorite shield MAGMAS!!!
Tengu outside of riverside drop lots of shields if you farm then. I have got many gold 16 def +30-43 health while enchanted
Originally Posted by quanzong
Southern Shiverpeaks, ROF area drops my favorite shield MAGMAS!!! It owns the pants off Shaow (booo!) and Etheral, I like Aegis over etheral, dunno why people think the RAREST item looks the best.