"Hardcore" Team Arena - Do you think this would this be fun?
GW Monkey
ZERO RESURRECTIONS. No casts nor signet. If you bring one it's blacked out.
Vengeance and Unyielding Aura, sure. Those would make it more interesting.
But no permanent resurrection. If you fall, you are down for the count.
Do you think this would this be fun to try?
If both teams built for fast spike damage, it would be a race.
If both built for longevity, systematic takedown.
Interruption and denial take on a whole new importance.
Just a thought. I'm thinking it could be fun and fast-paced.
(I'm surprised this has never been suggested - I'm not all that original. Search yields nothing related.)
Vengeance and Unyielding Aura, sure. Those would make it more interesting.
But no permanent resurrection. If you fall, you are down for the count.
Do you think this would this be fun to try?
If both teams built for fast spike damage, it would be a race.
If both built for longevity, systematic takedown.
Interruption and denial take on a whole new importance.
Just a thought. I'm thinking it could be fun and fast-paced.
(I'm surprised this has never been suggested - I'm not all that original. Search yields nothing related.)
Hmm you could have the choice of either doing it the original way or this way. That would show which players have stamina and strategy without the use of monks

What's fun about playing gank?
Frozen soil?
Actually, I know what you're trying to say. It'd be pretty fun and strategic.
I can see it becoming nothing more than 4 ele teams running in and counting down from 3, though.
Still a neat idea, nevertheless.
Actually, I know what you're trying to say. It'd be pretty fun and strategic.
I can see it becoming nothing more than 4 ele teams running in and counting down from 3, though.
Still a neat idea, nevertheless.
Druids Arrow
Nice one. I agree with this idea. And as you said I'm suprised no one suggested this sooner.
I'm not sure... I'm thinking, why should Vengeance and Unyielding Aura be allowed? I mean, rezing someone for 30 seconds is better than nothing - he might rez someone while he's alive, who might rez someone else, etc. Most people who have access to these skills would use them, and you'd end up playing pretty much the same game.
But then, if you forbid those two skills as well, you end up with an arena that's exactly like what we have now, except with a un-killable Frozen Soil spirit... where everyone would be playing without *ever* having to worry about rezing anyone, or about interrupting an enemy rez.
It seems to me like removing part of the tactical/skill aspect of the game... limiting the possibilities instead of creating new ones.
But then, if you forbid those two skills as well, you end up with an arena that's exactly like what we have now, except with a un-killable Frozen Soil spirit... where everyone would be playing without *ever* having to worry about rezing anyone, or about interrupting an enemy rez.
It seems to me like removing part of the tactical/skill aspect of the game... limiting the possibilities instead of creating new ones.
I think ressurrection add some tactical dimension to the fight. Remove it is like removing some depth out of the PvP.
GW Monkey
Originally Posted by KelvinC
Remove it is like removing some depth out of the PvP.
Speed of combat was my main intent behind suggesting it. There are days where the idea of a 30-minute single battle is boring. We've all felt this way at times and when you have no interest for long battles that center around nuances and capitalizing on minor mistakes... Gah, I'll fake a disconnect or suddenly have something in RL that seems more important - loading the dishwasher maybe.

Even if your guildies and/or friends are on, it doesn't mean they want to stop what they're doing and go game as a group... it can take :30 to put together an unscheduled team much less field it.
I guess on those days I should just PvE with some hench or random 4v4. I'm just trying to explore "fast gratification" GW ideas.
Originally Posted by GW Monkey
That's entirely the point.
Speed of combat was my main intent behind suggesting it. There are days where the idea of a 30-minute single battle is boring. We've all felt this way at times and when you have no interest for long battles that center around nuances and capitalizing on minor mistakes... Gah, I'll fake a disconnect or suddenly have something in RL that seems more important - loading the dishwasher maybe. ![]() Even if your guildies and/or friends are on, it doesn't mean they want to stop what they're doing and go game as a group... it can take :30 to put together an unscheduled team much less field it. I guess on those days I should just PvE with some hench or random 4v4. I'm just trying to explore "fast gratification" GW ideas. |
For example if on average each game lasts 1 minute, but the time you setup that fight costs another 2 minutes then it is no good.
People don't want to wait too long to just have a short period of fight. That is exactly the problem with the Tomb random PUGs issue.
It'd be pretty cool imho. When I'm playing my W/E and against a 2-monk team, I always have trouble because when I knock the crap out of their monks, they can just bring them back up in 3 seconds which really gets annoying killing the same person 4+ times. So, I'm for it =P
A better idea is to have more arena maps or game types with different terrain and conditions, like the Dragon's Lair mission. You can have a map with permanent frozen soil, a map with degen, random earthquakes, etc etc.
Maps with many pillars to block projectiles, with many hills and cliffs to aid projectiles, maps with winding narrow corridoors to make warriors more useful, etc. Maps with lava slowly creeping in from all sides, providing a time limit, but a fun one :P
Thus added strategy in coping with varying environments, rather than just "no rez!"
Maps with many pillars to block projectiles, with many hills and cliffs to aid projectiles, maps with winding narrow corridoors to make warriors more useful, etc. Maps with lava slowly creeping in from all sides, providing a time limit, but a fun one :P
Thus added strategy in coping with varying environments, rather than just "no rez!"
Originally Posted by Rieselle
A better idea is to have more arena maps or game types with different terrain and conditions, like the Dragon's Lair mission. You can have a map with permanent frozen soil, a map with degen, random earthquakes, etc etc.
Maps with many pillars to block projectiles, with many hills and cliffs to aid projectiles, maps with winding narrow corridoors to make warriors more useful, etc. Maps with lava slowly creeping in from all sides, providing a time limit, but a fun one :P Thus added strategy in coping with varying environments, rather than just "no rez!" |
Originally Posted by Rieselle
A better idea is to have more arena maps or game types with different terrain and conditions, like the Dragon's Lair mission. You can have a map with permanent frozen soil, a map with degen, random earthquakes, etc etc.
Maps with many pillars to block projectiles, with many hills and cliffs to aid projectiles, maps with winding narrow corridoors to make warriors more useful, etc. Maps with lava slowly creeping in from all sides, providing a time limit, but a fun one :P Thus added strategy in coping with varying environments, rather than just "no rez!" |