viva la france
Ashley Twig
It's about time that I post something positive in this forum, so here it comes:
Saturday morning 6am in germany.
Everybody is still asleep, the few characters in english-1, passed out, but are still logged on, but they don't respond to anything.
german-1: same thing here.
So I switch to the french district, and since I don't speak french I just post the usually "anyone for mission" on the local chat.
Maybe out of desperation (the french-1 was pretty empty too) they invited me to their team. I explained to them, that I don't speak french and ask if that's going to be a problem.
One guy sais: no problem, and that he can translate, if necessary.
Now I heard and read about french mentality (probably one of those generalizations again) that french people are proud of their language and don't like people that don't even try to make the effort to comunicate with them.
That team proved that theory totally wrong.
We had a great time, great mission, did the bonus, did the follow-up mission too.
Big success. Never had a smooth-going mission in a long time.
It was just amazing and overwhelming.
So here again: Thanks, french team. It's been one of the best teams I ever joined.
Saturday morning 6am in germany.
Everybody is still asleep, the few characters in english-1, passed out, but are still logged on, but they don't respond to anything.
german-1: same thing here.
So I switch to the french district, and since I don't speak french I just post the usually "anyone for mission" on the local chat.
Maybe out of desperation (the french-1 was pretty empty too) they invited me to their team. I explained to them, that I don't speak french and ask if that's going to be a problem.
One guy sais: no problem, and that he can translate, if necessary.
Now I heard and read about french mentality (probably one of those generalizations again) that french people are proud of their language and don't like people that don't even try to make the effort to comunicate with them.
That team proved that theory totally wrong.
We had a great time, great mission, did the bonus, did the follow-up mission too.
Big success. Never had a smooth-going mission in a long time.
It was just amazing and overwhelming.
So here again: Thanks, french team. It's been one of the best teams I ever joined.
Originally Posted by Ashley Twig
INow I heard and read about french mentality (probably one of those generalizations again) that french people are proud of their language and don't like people that don't even try to make the effort to comunicate with them.
There are good and bad in every country and culture. Glad you found a good group.

You have to love stereotypes. No matter how untrue they are.
Ashley Twig
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Generally most french have that attitude, which is annoying.

This is one of the few (if any before) positive threads I started.
I want to enjoy it while it lasts.

Originally Posted by Aniewiel
There are good and bad in every country and culture. Glad you found a good group.
Well i m french myself and i d say there different are types of mentality everywhere.
The usual thing i always hear about french ppl is the NOOB term as a description, french are often seen as the worst to team with, and i dare say its often the case
The mentality is a lot "Me, Me Me and you just suck"
In my case, i rarely play with french ppl except friends or guild members thats all.
(And that gives me an occasion for practicing my bad english^^)
So yes, i kinda agree to what u said, a lotsa french dont make an effort to communicate, but u know there are always exceptions^^( i agree with what Sekkira just said)
Funny detail, when making party for something, ex: FoW or UW, i ve seen sometimes ppl being kicked from groups with a "Kick the French one, they re noob"
The usual thing i always hear about french ppl is the NOOB term as a description, french are often seen as the worst to team with, and i dare say its often the case
The mentality is a lot "Me, Me Me and you just suck"
In my case, i rarely play with french ppl except friends or guild members thats all.
(And that gives me an occasion for practicing my bad english^^)
So yes, i kinda agree to what u said, a lotsa french dont make an effort to communicate, but u know there are always exceptions^^( i agree with what Sekkira just said)
Funny detail, when making party for something, ex: FoW or UW, i ve seen sometimes ppl being kicked from groups with a "Kick the French one, they re noob"
Actually the elite of french culture always supported this mentality. France is one of the few countries in which everything is translated and transformed.
Computer is Ordinateur, Michelangelo is Michel-Ange ( I always laugh on this)computer mouse is Souris (which literally means "mouse" in french).
While I consider this an act of supreme idiocy, an attempt at raping others' languages, and an aspect of their nationalism (in this case, a lexical nationalism), you can't really blame french people of today for a tradition which is many hundreds of years old.
And yes, they sometimes ignore anyone not speaking French correctly, but that doesn't mean you can't find nice french people with common sense!
Computer is Ordinateur, Michelangelo is Michel-Ange ( I always laugh on this)computer mouse is Souris (which literally means "mouse" in french).
While I consider this an act of supreme idiocy, an attempt at raping others' languages, and an aspect of their nationalism (in this case, a lexical nationalism), you can't really blame french people of today for a tradition which is many hundreds of years old.
And yes, they sometimes ignore anyone not speaking French correctly, but that doesn't mean you can't find nice french people with common sense!

Originally Posted by Mormegil
Actually the elite of french culture always supported this mentality. France is one of the few countries in which everything is translated and transformed.
Computer is Ordinateur, Michelangelo is Michel-Ange ( I always laugh on this)computer mouse is Souris (which literally means "mouse" in french). While I consider this an act of supreme idiocy, an attempt at raping others' languages, and an aspect of their nationalism (in this case, a lexical nationalism), you can't really blame french people of today for a tradition which is many hundreds of years old. And yes, they sometimes ignore anyone not speaking French correctly, but that doesn't mean you can't find nice french people with common sense! ![]() |
That habit to translate everything makes me sick also ^^
I m sure that cauz of that we must sounds moronic

I find ur "raping" term funny and sometimes appropriate
Ashley Twig
Originally Posted by Mormegil
France is one of the few countries in which everything is translated and transformed.
keyboard = Tastatur
monitor = Bildschirm
A few years ago I read an article of one guy seriously suggesting we should have german SQL statements.
Good bye to 'select from' and hello to 'wähle von'.
Just recently somebody suggested to change the way we speak numbers.
Like 42 e.g. is fortytwo, but in germany it's (1:1 translated) two-and-forty.
We've been living with two-and-forty for ages and now they want us to say forty-and-two.
How weired is that? I'm glad, nobody took this suggestion too serious, but it's been a real hit for the press.
But then again, every country has to deal with it's issues.

That's why I think GW is paying a very good tribute to uniting the nations, even if it's in some rather limited way.
It's like StarTrek where you have a crew from many parts of the universe, and they all team up for something good.
I hear that there even a few nice Americans running around.
Auntie I
I live in Canada in an acadian and english mixed community. French (acadian style) is as common as english. Acadians are more relaxed (lazy) about translating words into french. The people I know use "computers" and eat "Big Macs". Having said that there are certain "bad habits" that many french speaking people have. They do translate many things that they really shouldn't. An example is the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. The name is latin, which shouldn't be translated into another language. Several hundred years ago it was decided that we needed a language that no one spoke any more to be a language of communication in the sciences. Latin was chosen as that language. Most people do not translate latin. So any french speaking people out there who read this, remember it's Nova Scotia NOT Nouvelle Ecosse.
Mugon M. Musashi
Originally Posted by Mormegil
Actually the elite of french culture always supported this mentality
there are asses everywhere
and those who believe in stereotypes should just burn in hell
I hate these people who believe something without even knowing anything about it
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Watersong
You have to love stereotypes. No matter how untrue they are.
stereotypes aren't true?
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Ashley Twig
Woa, please don't get this thread closed by posting generalizations about how a culture is or isn't.
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Currently France is getting a lot of bad press from the US because of its opposition to the Iraq war. Condoleezza Rice laid out the PR campaign plan to sell the war to the US public despite international concerns: "Forgive Russia. Ignore Germany. Punish France."
(yes, really)
This is still the US position, and the PR campaign has been spectacularly successful. However, that's all it is - a US PR campaign designed to divide the EU.
Cap'n Hoek
Prove it.
Darkest Dawn
Frankly I think we'd all get along a lot better without all the media and the slants we find there. In France they put down the States, in the States they put down France, etc... We are all just ordinary people who would get along just fine were we to hang out together!
I did a two year stint in Germany( I have German roots) and I had a ball there! Yet the media there talks negetive of Americans and that sways public thought to a certain degee. Yet the reverse is true here to a degree.
It comes down to this: News sells, bad news in particular. So the media paints negetives all the time about everyone and everything. Therefore it affects how we view other peoples.
Conclusion: we are all just ordinary people. Don't let that thought be blinded by what you hear and see on TV.
I did a two year stint in Germany( I have German roots) and I had a ball there! Yet the media there talks negetive of Americans and that sways public thought to a certain degee. Yet the reverse is true here to a degree.
It comes down to this: News sells, bad news in particular. So the media paints negetives all the time about everyone and everything. Therefore it affects how we view other peoples.
Conclusion: we are all just ordinary people. Don't let that thought be blinded by what you hear and see on TV.

Ashley Twig
I didn't want to open a new thread, so I thought, I'd take this one.
Being frustrated with FinalAssault, I changed to district French-1. To my delight, I got on a team really fast, explained real soon, that I don't speak any french, and I didn't even got kicked for being a necro (which still happens from time to time)
I was impressed how organized everybody was. Nobody rushed, everybody retreated when necessary, like there was some invisible telepathic link between team members. Very impressive.
But (and I shall not blame the french for it), as usual, when we got to the room with that robot, things turned pretty quick from impressive to pittyful.
I talked to the leader of the team (only guy who spoke english) and told him , what I thought would be the correct way to do it.
I don't know if he successfully translated, but we managed to kill the rage binders.
But then, the Djins... no way.
I always used to think, that language shouldn't be a problem in a rather limited game as GW. Everybody should know by now, how FinalAssault is played, which would make further talk totally irrelavant.
I was wrong.
Being frustrated with FinalAssault, I changed to district French-1. To my delight, I got on a team really fast, explained real soon, that I don't speak any french, and I didn't even got kicked for being a necro (which still happens from time to time)
I was impressed how organized everybody was. Nobody rushed, everybody retreated when necessary, like there was some invisible telepathic link between team members. Very impressive.
But (and I shall not blame the french for it), as usual, when we got to the room with that robot, things turned pretty quick from impressive to pittyful.
I talked to the leader of the team (only guy who spoke english) and told him , what I thought would be the correct way to do it.
I don't know if he successfully translated, but we managed to kill the rage binders.
But then, the Djins... no way.
I always used to think, that language shouldn't be a problem in a rather limited game as GW. Everybody should know by now, how FinalAssault is played, which would make further talk totally irrelavant.
I was wrong.
Originally Posted by Ashley Twig
Now I heard and read about french mentality (probably one of those generalizations again) that french people are proud of their language and don't like people that don't even try to make the effort to comunicate with them. |
Our history vs England didn't help either i guess.
personaly i dont agree with the languages districs , there sould be only europe districs and thats it , puting people in diferent bags just becose of language is stupid , and makes virtual frontears ... this game is global and should be global thinking , i thank anet for giving us international ... but eorope doesnt need language separations , we are united !!
" i vote for a petition to merge europeans districs to just europe "
" i vote for a petition to merge europeans districs to just europe "
Originally Posted by Watersong
You have to love stereotypes. No matter how untrue they are.
Not necessarily true, stereotypes may have a basis in truth but they tend to be dramatically overblown and this can range from the amusing: The stereotype of us Scots as haggis eating, kilt-wearing, caber tossing skinflints with red hair to the pervasive and disturbing such as stereotyping the attitudes of people purely based on the region of the world they inhabit. To dissect the Scottish example: Yes it is true that haggis is our supposed national dish but it is unlikely that most Scots have one more than once a year - if that. Kilts are considered to be our national dress but are in truth only worn at weddings and other occasions of import and even then not by all of the male guests. The highland games are participated in by very few and their popularity is eclipsed a hundred fold by sports such as football, rugby, tennis etc. We are known for being somewhat tight with our money but I wager that the quantity of money owed on average by each Scot is a very considerable number. Red hair - yes it does seem that there is an increased propensity towards red hair amongst those of Scottish and Irish stock in particular but I doubt the number is anything greater than 1 in 20 and even then it's a push I reckon.
All of the components of that stereotype have a basis in truth, but only in the loosest sense possible, I myself have never tasted haggis, have worn a kilt once in my life (at age 6), have never participated in any traditional Scottish physical pastimes and in fact my favourite sport is baseball, I'm way too free with my money given my financial constraints and I have brown hair. Just because I chose an absurd example does not in fact mean that many widely accepted stereotypes are not in their own ways equally absurd.
Personally I've enjoyed the facility that Guild Wars offers in allowing me to meet people of different backgrounds who I have little chance of encountering in real life. The best group I was in consisted of five Poles (guild mates IIRC), one German, one French person and myself, most spoke only broken English but it wasn't a problem at all and everyone made an effort to communicate effectively despite the language barrier so no I have never found any of the French players particularly unwilling to integrate a non-French speaker like myself into a group.
All of the components of that stereotype have a basis in truth, but only in the loosest sense possible, I myself have never tasted haggis, have worn a kilt once in my life (at age 6), have never participated in any traditional Scottish physical pastimes and in fact my favourite sport is baseball, I'm way too free with my money given my financial constraints and I have brown hair. Just because I chose an absurd example does not in fact mean that many widely accepted stereotypes are not in their own ways equally absurd.
Personally I've enjoyed the facility that Guild Wars offers in allowing me to meet people of different backgrounds who I have little chance of encountering in real life. The best group I was in consisted of five Poles (guild mates IIRC), one German, one French person and myself, most spoke only broken English but it wasn't a problem at all and everyone made an effort to communicate effectively despite the language barrier so no I have never found any of the French players particularly unwilling to integrate a non-French speaker like myself into a group.
Ashley Twig
Originally Posted by Injektilo
Yes it is true that haggis is our supposed national dish but it is unlikely that most Scots have one more than once a year
I even found vegetarien haggis for sale.

So people seem to eat it more than once a year, unless the haggis is in the shelves just to show tourists that they'are in scotland.
Germans, btw. eat tons of Sauerkraut, and Sauerkraut only.

Along with Bratwurst and Weißbier.
Originally Posted by Injektilo
Personally I've enjoyed the facility that Guild Wars offers in allowing me to meet people of different backgrounds who I have little chance of encountering in real life.
But you're right about meeting people. Being in the english-district most of the time I never met so many different people from different countries ever.
Charcoal Ann
Originally Posted by Juhanah
Our history vs England didn't help either i guess.
and on the french people ignore people who don't speak perfect french matter... i have to admit to ignoring 1337 speakers quite a bit as well...
anyway we know the stereotypes. English are arrogant, french are insular, spanish are lazy, italians are old (

funnily enough in a rescent survay the french described the english as arrogant and stiff and the english described the french as arrogant and unserious. i had a laugh at that.
Originally Posted by Juhanah
This mentality is stronger, and very true, here in Quebec. I think people here feel a menace from the rest of North America. They are scared to see french totally disapear from their life or something.
Our history vs England didn't help either i guess. |
/me looks over my shoulder
Aera Lure
On a recent cycling trip to France for the Tour de France, I found the french in my experience to be incredibly polite and generous. Everyone I said hi to with my limited 5-word French vocabulary made great effort to keep the communication going. I had heard the stereotypes of course, but I go anywhere with an open mind. I had a wonderful time and can say with certainty I wish to be more fluent when I go back again. I spent all of my time down in Languedoc. Beautiful country. Have to admit my experience would probably have been a bit different in Paris. ^^
The langage problem (I'm french too) is quite understandable : I immagine, if french where the usual international langage, you (english speaker) would certainly translate the usual french words (like "mouse" for "souris") in english, because our langage is a real part of our personnality
I quite sure every non-english speaker (french, italian, spanish, deutch,...) translate such words too.
It's true that french has a high opinion of his historical past, he's proud of it, and piss everybody off with that !
But everyone do the same, perhaps not so often and so loud...
I quite sure every non-english speaker (french, italian, spanish, deutch,...) translate such words too.
It's true that french has a high opinion of his historical past, he's proud of it, and piss everybody off with that !
But everyone do the same, perhaps not so often and so loud...
Originally Posted by Aera Lure
Have to admit my experience would probably have been a bit different in Paris. ^^

Originally Posted by freddo
The langage problem (I'm french too) is quite understandable : I immagine, if french where the usual international langage, you (english speaker) would certainly translate the usual french words (like "mouse" for "souris") in english, because our langage is a real part of our personnality
I quite sure every non-english speaker (french, italian, spanish, deutch,...) translate such words too. It's true that french has a high opinion of his historical past, he's proud of it, and piss everybody off with that ! But everyone do the same, perhaps not so often and so loud... |
We use some informatic terms in both languages (monitor/schermo or floppy/dischetto), some italian only (like tastiera for keyboard), some english only (scanner).
But here in Italy there are a lot of different ideas about international words, because during the 20'/40' fascism every single term has been italianized.
And even now, a linguistic discussion can easily fall in a politic debate.
In conclusion, a lot of terms (not informatic only) can be used in both languages.
Btw, many english/american people dont know that hundreds english words arise from latin/italian.
Searching this reply only:
politic debate=dibattico politico
I hope anyone find this interesting.
Charcoal Ann
well. most languages are interelated. all western languages have solid roots in Latin and greek. you can often see the similarities between all european languages.
when you get down to languages like Sanskrit and Mandarin, then you have trouble. almost no relation at all. (the occasional adopted word here and there)
when you get down to languages like Sanskrit and Mandarin, then you have trouble. almost no relation at all. (the occasional adopted word here and there)
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by Guizzy
Just as I had such a good time in Florida this summer. I'm pretty certain the experience wouldn't have been as "magical" in Texas.
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Some of my favorite times in gaming though have been online, making friends with players from other countries, overcoming the language barrier as best as our respective fluencies allowed, finding the funny things in common that allowed us through the mechanics of the game to communicate without written language, and then playing the game. Pretty well too I might add. Had an absolute blast in various incarnations of PSO for example, playing on the Japanese servers and earning the trust and friendship of players there.
A little effort towards learning the language and customs of people from other countries goes an awful long ways, and is very very rewarding. To me anyway. Was great fun actually experiencing that in person in France. I should probably venture over to the international districts in GW even though we lack that little, albeit limited, translation feature from PSO that helped to break the ice.
Vive la france*
Just found it ironic on a pro-france topic
Originally Posted by Charcoal Ann
well. most languages are interelated. all western languages have solid roots in Latin and greek. you can often see the similarities between all european languages.
when you get down to languages like Sanskrit and Mandarin, then you have trouble. almost no relation at all. (the occasional adopted word here and there) |
the mediteranian one (frendh, italian, spanish,...)
the nordic/celte one (german, english, sweden, norway...)
the slave one (all the eastern contries (sorry there are too much for my geographic knowledge...))
this 3 groups are pretty differents, but in each groups, leaning the langage can be quite easy, because many words are common, like french, italian or spanish)
When I say "easy", I mean easy to write or read, not to speak
Garlic ftw
I too am French (name and family root wise, not nationality) and living in America has not been a pretty experience as far as that goes. Every single person I have ever spoken to that has been to France, says that the French are very friendly and polite. But speak to one proeverythingAmericadoes nomatterwhatRED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOkeveryoneelse *pant* person, and all you will hear is shamless trash talk, stereotyping and lies about the French.
With a particular focus on "the French haven't won a war on their own in 200 years, they are weak cowards who surrender", anyone who is educated about world history will simply laugh off these fools. My favorite thing to say is "So you call the French weak for being knocked out of ww2 so fast? Well Germany took on the entire world by itself and nearly won, the blitzkrieg was so good that even the German Commanders who used it were shocked at its success. So tell me again the French are weak, the Germans were a millitary titan." At which point they shut up.
Americans generally hate the French I feel, and NOT because they have been given any reason to, but because the Government and media, and ignorant citizens tell them they should, and like sheep they follow. Stereotypes DO have roots in truth, however to over simplfy things and generalize an entire country of people is stupidity in the highest degree.
No offense to Germans but I never hear Germans referred to as "Nazis" on a broad scale, and Germany has done a hell of alot more to make people in this country not like them. Same with Japan, I find that people in this country (especially younger ones, because of video games and Anime) LOVE Japan, I never hear "Damn dirty Japs, screw them for Pearl harbor". But I always hear "wussy French we have had to save their ass so many times"
*shrug* What can I say? This is earth, and I think its been proven that humans are stupid, worthless trash (this IS a stereotype I will stand by =p).
Here is one last funny as hell, but sad observation.
Americans HATE Osama Bin Laden, they HATE Saddamn Hussein....
But....Whats with these assholes with Confederate flags? Jefferson Davis was directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than any of the above people, and yet we have Americans wearing the Confederate flag! Lol ahh what a joke some of these people are. I guess its ok to kill for a despotic reason in the eyes of Americans as long as the Despot is American. Everyone who has a Confederate flag in their house, on a shirt , or as a bandana should be shot in the face. Hipocritical morons.
With a particular focus on "the French haven't won a war on their own in 200 years, they are weak cowards who surrender", anyone who is educated about world history will simply laugh off these fools. My favorite thing to say is "So you call the French weak for being knocked out of ww2 so fast? Well Germany took on the entire world by itself and nearly won, the blitzkrieg was so good that even the German Commanders who used it were shocked at its success. So tell me again the French are weak, the Germans were a millitary titan." At which point they shut up.
Americans generally hate the French I feel, and NOT because they have been given any reason to, but because the Government and media, and ignorant citizens tell them they should, and like sheep they follow. Stereotypes DO have roots in truth, however to over simplfy things and generalize an entire country of people is stupidity in the highest degree.
No offense to Germans but I never hear Germans referred to as "Nazis" on a broad scale, and Germany has done a hell of alot more to make people in this country not like them. Same with Japan, I find that people in this country (especially younger ones, because of video games and Anime) LOVE Japan, I never hear "Damn dirty Japs, screw them for Pearl harbor". But I always hear "wussy French we have had to save their ass so many times"
*shrug* What can I say? This is earth, and I think its been proven that humans are stupid, worthless trash (this IS a stereotype I will stand by =p).
Here is one last funny as hell, but sad observation.
Americans HATE Osama Bin Laden, they HATE Saddamn Hussein....
But....Whats with these assholes with Confederate flags? Jefferson Davis was directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than any of the above people, and yet we have Americans wearing the Confederate flag! Lol ahh what a joke some of these people are. I guess its ok to kill for a despotic reason in the eyes of Americans as long as the Despot is American. Everyone who has a Confederate flag in their house, on a shirt , or as a bandana should be shot in the face. Hipocritical morons.
Originally Posted by Ashley Twig
I didn't want to open a new thread, so I thought, I'd take this one.
Being frustrated with FinalAssault, I changed to district French-1. To my delight, I got on a team really fast, explained real soon, that I don't speak any french, and I didn't even got kicked for being a necro (which still happens from time to time) I was impressed how organized everybody was. Nobody rushed, everybody retreated when necessary, like there was some invisible telepathic link between team members. Very impressive. But (and I shall not blame the french for it), as usual, when we got to the room with that robot, things turned pretty quick from impressive to pittyful. I talked to the leader of the team (only guy who spoke english) and told him , what I thought would be the correct way to do it. I don't know if he successfully translated, but we managed to kill the rage binders. But then, the Djins... no way. I always used to think, that language shouldn't be a problem in a rather limited game as GW. Everybody should know by now, how FinalAssault is played, which would make further talk totally irrelavant. I was wrong. |
Aeryn Dimeneira
Hello, I'm a french dude and I live in France of course ^_^, and maybe I could give you some arguments on the many things I've read in this thread from the start.
About the language thing, Yes we may be proud about our language and we translate a lot of words into our own language, but we all do, in order to incorporate things to our culture. Someone gave an exemple about Scotia Nova, but I think everyone translated the country names in their language, for example in french "Germany" is "Allemagne" while is Deutchland in its native language, same goes for Espana/Spain/Espagne and a lot of others.
Most people seen as they dont like to talk english are just people that suck at english, our foreign language teaching lvl is crap if you compare to countries like germany or sweden and nordic countries which have a way better level than we do.
Stereotyopes are fun, I'm still getting a good laugh when I see a french caricature walking with his "baguette" under his arm and his "beret" (french hat) on his head, like a 60 years old picture, old style.
I'm glad to see that this feeling "I hate frenchies" isn't shared by everyone, and that there are people defending us saying we are nice people who you can talk with and that we are not as bad as some people would like to make you believe.
Honestly it's been very frustrative since the beginning of the "tension", we kinda feel like being the black duck rejected by everybody and sorta being in the middle of an promotional campaign against us sometimes, I recently saw a "french" wrestler (he's almost as french as W. himself) wearing our colours and of course using french stereotypes, being here just to have an entire stadium shouting at him and gathering all the "hatred" on him to make the public hot (like the russian icons in the 60's). From outside it's weird since you see that it's not at the man that people are shouting at, but at the "symbol", to what he represents, and I must admit it kinda freaked me out, cause there was a very massive crowd in the stadium...
But we also know that it's not a feeling shared by all the population, that many people have their own opinions and beliefs and don't let themselves being influenced by the media.
Like some said before, there are good and bad people in every country, just wishing that the majority are good, and that, oh jeez i'm so tired of writing such a massive english text, so lazy, so low, so stoned...
Ok guys I love you and I wish you love me too, and that we will all love each other, and share. Orgy !
PS : Forgive my english.
PS#2 : I'm looking for cool and skilled people to play with, I kinda feel alone in my own 1 man guild, i'd like to do FoW/UW with cool guys and do some pvp too, if you're interested tell me
About the language thing, Yes we may be proud about our language and we translate a lot of words into our own language, but we all do, in order to incorporate things to our culture. Someone gave an exemple about Scotia Nova, but I think everyone translated the country names in their language, for example in french "Germany" is "Allemagne" while is Deutchland in its native language, same goes for Espana/Spain/Espagne and a lot of others.
Most people seen as they dont like to talk english are just people that suck at english, our foreign language teaching lvl is crap if you compare to countries like germany or sweden and nordic countries which have a way better level than we do.
Stereotyopes are fun, I'm still getting a good laugh when I see a french caricature walking with his "baguette" under his arm and his "beret" (french hat) on his head, like a 60 years old picture, old style.
I'm glad to see that this feeling "I hate frenchies" isn't shared by everyone, and that there are people defending us saying we are nice people who you can talk with and that we are not as bad as some people would like to make you believe.
Honestly it's been very frustrative since the beginning of the "tension", we kinda feel like being the black duck rejected by everybody and sorta being in the middle of an promotional campaign against us sometimes, I recently saw a "french" wrestler (he's almost as french as W. himself) wearing our colours and of course using french stereotypes, being here just to have an entire stadium shouting at him and gathering all the "hatred" on him to make the public hot (like the russian icons in the 60's). From outside it's weird since you see that it's not at the man that people are shouting at, but at the "symbol", to what he represents, and I must admit it kinda freaked me out, cause there was a very massive crowd in the stadium...
But we also know that it's not a feeling shared by all the population, that many people have their own opinions and beliefs and don't let themselves being influenced by the media.
Like some said before, there are good and bad people in every country, just wishing that the majority are good, and that, oh jeez i'm so tired of writing such a massive english text, so lazy, so low, so stoned...
Ok guys I love you and I wish you love me too, and that we will all love each other, and share. Orgy !
PS : Forgive my english.
PS#2 : I'm looking for cool and skilled people to play with, I kinda feel alone in my own 1 man guild, i'd like to do FoW/UW with cool guys and do some pvp too, if you're interested tell me

Very nice summary ! 
I hope you're right : there are bad an good people in each country, the only hope is that good people are the majority !

I hope you're right : there are bad an good people in each country, the only hope is that good people are the majority !
Or that the bad are not running the country.
Charcoal Ann
There is a difference between the french and the english!
the english are right! everything everyone else says is bollocks. our language is the right one and everyone should speak it!
(don't take me seriously, its a joke.)
the english are right! everything everyone else says is bollocks. our language is the right one and everyone should speak it!
(don't take me seriously, its a joke.)
lol, you know how to calm down a debate, Charcoal !
Originally Posted by freddo
hum, there 3 (approximatively) groups of langage in europe :
the mediteranian one (frendh, italian, spanish,...) the nordic/celte one (german, english, sweden, norway...) the slave one (all the eastern contries (sorry there are too much for my geographic knowledge...)) this 3 groups are pretty differents, but in each groups, leaning the langage can be quite easy, because many words are common, like french, italian or spanish) When I say "easy", I mean easy to write or read, not to speak |
Germanic - that'd be German, Dutch, Danish... and English, though English is a pretty wonky language 'cause half our vocabulary is actually from latin and norman french...
Romance - Latin, and its bastard children Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian
Slavic - Eastern European stuff... Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Czech, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, and Bulgarian
There's quite a lot of words that are similar (try looking up translations for "mother", you'll see what I mean). But not quite similar enough to be remotely mutually intelligible.