Pets and Death Penalty
Swampgirl Inez
Do pets cummulate death penalties? If I use Comfort Animal to rez my pet, it says it comes back with 25% health (I'm still in pre-sear with this character). Does that mean he comes back with 25 points out of 100 and if he dies again, does he come back with about 5? Or is it just 25 out of 100 everytime he is rezzed? *Wish I could see 'conditions' etc on my pet, but that's another topic*
there is no deathpenealty for animals... i wouldnt use comfort animal though as it disables your skills...bring revive animal
Swampgirl Inez
I will when I get that skill. So, if there's no DP, what's the 25% thing? Is that just his overall health untill he heals?
your pets health rises when he gains levels...he also has 480 health at lvl 20 so every time you rez him he gets back with 120 health
Originally Posted by Plommon
there is no deathpenealty for animals... i wouldnt use comfort animal though as it disables your skills...bring revive animal
Algren Cole
run in and drop a healing spring under your pet