WTS +damage MAX damage swords :)
sry, i have to retract my bid.
is this still open?
i'll buy longsword for 55k if it is
it is the cool shiny kind right? (not the ugly kind)
i'll buy longsword for 55k if it is
it is the cool shiny kind right? (not the ugly kind)
srry, gotta retract bid, found one i liked better
General Surena
Edit: I have to retract my bid too. I already have a +19% <50%
eos hera
60k if its that nice long thin sword, also if i change the pommel can i get rid of the -5 energy.
60k if its that nice long thin sword, also if i change the pommel can i get rid of the -5 energy.
General Surena
No, the energy deficit is fixed and cannot be removed. Every weapon with a constant DMG-bonus has some deficit. I myself prefer energy over armour.