On ebay I just saw...
Ishamael Sedai
A recently sold fellblade that had +15% in stance for almost $100 (99 and some change). Ummmm wow, I will add this to the list of what I've seen that already includes where a seller sells collectors shields for $8.99 on ebay. Think you got ripped off 30k in game, well at least you didn't pay almost $9 in real life for that shield.
I happen to follow a lot of e-bay auctions since I have a lot of side hobbies (many of which involve out of print books/items) so I've learned a few interesting tid-bits of info from e-bay. At the top of this list is that if a price seems too high, it probably is. E-bay will list items as sold, but what it won't do is list items as paid for. There's a good chance IMO that the buyer is not going to make good on that payment (and probably never intended too). E-baying in game good and services is a shady business, hence there's a lot of shady merchants. Many of them use dupe accounts to bid on each other's auctions trying to ensure that their competitors never sell their items to the public.
Maybe the auction was legit, but when you can buy 200k for $18 (and I'm pretty sure that you can get a fellblade like that for 200k easy) I can't imagine someone spending $99 on that fellblade.
Maybe the auction was legit, but when you can buy 200k for $18 (and I'm pretty sure that you can get a fellblade like that for 200k easy) I can't imagine someone spending $99 on that fellblade.
If you're caught, you're banned.
i dont want to hear anymore about ebay, its just wrong