I want to build a new character to duel i need something i havent done before and i want to build one thats very good not just simi good i want one that someones not going to bitch at for not doing their job, and i want to be in the fray or casting i dont want to be a monk. In your suggestion please includee. . . .
Items i should try and get
Skills i should use
Tree build(what i should put my attribute points into)
Armor i should use
Runes that might help
Thanks for your time and help.
New Character i need suggestions
Algren Cole
would you like me to play the character for you too?
Be a monk, i thought i was gonna hate it, but go smite
you will like it
you will like it
I suspect you'd have a knack for Warrior/Monk. Make sure to have mending on at all times.
Darriths Novastar
W/MO nicely self sufficient in enough ways (no character owns all other character) and an all up in your cheese attitude.
You need to have some degree of independent thinking on what exactly you want before anyone can help you. For example, do you want a nuker? A support character? Do you want to go into energy denial? Disruption? Pure damage output? Buffer?
If you answer, "I don't know," take a look at those links above to try to get a more concrete idea of what you might want.
Otherwise, asking people to fish at straws wastes both their time and yours.
You need to have some degree of independent thinking on what exactly you want before anyone can help you. For example, do you want a nuker? A support character? Do you want to go into energy denial? Disruption? Pure damage output? Buffer?
If you answer, "I don't know," take a look at those links above to try to get a more concrete idea of what you might want.
Otherwise, asking people to fish at straws wastes both their time and yours.