E-bay sellers
the 1 post per 24h only applies to the trade post right? anyways another question.. ... .. where do u think those ppl who sell money on e-bay make that money o_o i mean if they got helpers how do they make a profit?
They train little hamsters to play the game and just look for chests and sell items found. Now these aren't ordinary, pet-store hamsters ... oh no, these critters can play for hours and hours with no rest (yes, more than those hardcore gamers out there). These hamsters are exploited, because they don't get paid and hardly ever fed anything (poor things) ... but obviously they're not too smart because they keep doing the work anyways.

Algren Cole
Frankenhamsters!@#!@#!@#!@#!@#!!!!@@##!11233412311 234!!
anyone on ebay uses bots
Holy Arch
now it drives me to wonder what your doing looking for guild wars stuff on ebay...
Count Feanor
Ebay! Yeah, that's good stuff...er...uh... I mean, those bad people! Very, very BAAAADD!!!

Olfin Bedwere
That`s FRONKenhamSTEER.
Actually I read an article that talked about chinese RPG sweatshops where they run bots, but have ppl man the comps to answer gms who question if they are there, and bring in gold when they are full.
Xeno Demachilo
Hah..I read that same one..It was posted in these forums a while ago huh..
Hell Marauder
Actually, just about everything you use or wear in daily life is made by hamsters somewhere, working 10-12 hours a day in a third-world country's sweat shop. Not just these game items.