What does any/everyone think of a PVE only area availble from your guild hall only.
It should be:
A) Tough as Hell (Dreadnoughts Drift; Ice Floe tough)
B) Be Accesable for 8 (level 20 ascended PVE people only) NO henches allowed; to prevent solo farming
C) Offer crafters/traders for items not yet in game (seared ribcages, demonic remains...)
The quest is: guild trader says; due to demand we need more islands available; if you clear Island X (Where X is 1 of the envionments for the guild hall) of Baddies you get some large amount of XP, a guild hall upgrade (Storage,scrimmage grounds...) and get to keep anything of value you find.
Any other ideas; lets hear em.
New PVE area
Wrane Latrobe
Reiden Argrock
I think I mentioned a pve zone available from guild hall in some other off thread a long time ago, but I really like the idea, however it is implemented...
but the bad parts being that non guilded people would not have access to this zone, and while they could just join a guild, I don't think that is entirely fair, so I don't know how they could do something like this, and still keep everybody happy. But I do like the idea.
but the bad parts being that non guilded people would not have access to this zone, and while they could just join a guild, I don't think that is entirely fair, so I don't know how they could do something like this, and still keep everybody happy. But I do like the idea.
well i havent heard anything about the new areas, but if the guild hall thing is true then i guess im in luck, my guild is just about to buy one... I like the idea for one reason.. i can trust my guild, i know for sure they are not annoying children..
Originally Posted by Ultimate_Gaara
well i havent heard anything about the new areas, but if the guild hall thing is true then i guess im in luck, my guild is just about to buy one... I like the idea for one reason.. i can trust my guild, i know for sure they are not annoying children..

not guaranteeing long life though

Carna Detonas
One of the things that I always thought would be fun for Guild Halls would be some kind of survivability "mission". First wave, one White Mantle... second wave, two... third wave, four... fourth wave, eight... just keep the gate open and see how long a team can last. Some groups could last a while, others might find even the fifth or six wave a challenge.