Possible bug?
Alright I've figured out what my problem is in the game and it isn't me being too weak or needing godly armor. This has been happening since pre-searing and the only place I didn't get it was high up in the mountains on the missions. I can be at full health (316 the last four times this crap has happened at the SAME spot) and have a party of six. The last four times I have been at 316hp, plate cuirass and leggings, gladiator gauntlets and boots, and valkyrie helm. I have regen +5 on myself. I have to kill a few lv15 shadow-beasts on a mission. I go through about six, then the last three come out. All three are lv15, not bosses. I have been down to one twice, been on full health, and the damn thing randomly hits me for 440 damage. What the heck is that crap!? It's not a spell (it likes to cast something that does ~44dam normally) and it instantly kills me.
I have had this issue in a specific location outside Yak's as well, from Dwarves. I'll be fighting them at full or near full health and suddenly BAM, I lose it all. Is there some freaking spell or something designed to do that?
I am really irritated right now because I spent an hour trying to do a five-minute mission because the damn bug keeps happening. Sometimes the bug will only take 200~300hp, but hell after that you're practically dead anyway. Does anybody else experience this? I have a friend or two that are getting the same thing. Fighting about to win a big battle then BAM, insto-death. I have probably had twenty or so deaths to this piece of crap bug and cannot figure out how to counter it. I even saw it take down a lv20 guy from a weak lv13 monster once. His bar was full, suddenly he died. How can I stop this shy of some kind of god-mode?
I have had this issue in a specific location outside Yak's as well, from Dwarves. I'll be fighting them at full or near full health and suddenly BAM, I lose it all. Is there some freaking spell or something designed to do that?
I am really irritated right now because I spent an hour trying to do a five-minute mission because the damn bug keeps happening. Sometimes the bug will only take 200~300hp, but hell after that you're practically dead anyway. Does anybody else experience this? I have a friend or two that are getting the same thing. Fighting about to win a big battle then BAM, insto-death. I have probably had twenty or so deaths to this piece of crap bug and cannot figure out how to counter it. I even saw it take down a lv20 guy from a weak lv13 monster once. His bar was full, suddenly he died. How can I stop this shy of some kind of god-mode?
I've not seen this one. Strange. There seems to have been a rise in bugs lately. I have had a least 2 that I've sent in. Did you send this one in?
Maybe once you've got some data collected, you can write up some kind of a suggestion.
Maybe once you've got some data collected, you can write up some kind of a suggestion.

Just tried ti with two lv20 guys with max armors and NICE swords. We had the same issue. Got to the last three and insto-death. I am so angry right now becauses there's no sense in such weak monsters scoring 1-hit kills on maxed out lv20 guys, in succession!
Me: LV16
LV20 War/Elem
LV20 War/Pal
LV10 Alesia
LV10 Little Thom
LV10 Orion
How the hell do you take out an entire party withing six to eight hits? As if the introduction of an economy wasn't enough, and then the drops lowered to virtually nothing, now we have monsters that if you don't kill in one hit, will kill you in one. I am really displeased with the current setup when compared to several patches back. Oh, and I did report this.
Me: LV16
LV20 War/Elem
LV20 War/Pal
LV10 Alesia
LV10 Little Thom
LV10 Orion
How the hell do you take out an entire party withing six to eight hits? As if the introduction of an economy wasn't enough, and then the drops lowered to virtually nothing, now we have monsters that if you don't kill in one hit, will kill you in one. I am really displeased with the current setup when compared to several patches back. Oh, and I did report this.
Is it possible that it's related to a "lag" rubberband issue? Maybe there are certain "hotspots" in the game that always cause a rubberband effect and/or a lag that makes it appear that it's instant death.
I've seen something like this in reverse: The giants outside the Ascalon Settlement (Lion's Arch) are fighting my group and me. They are at about half health and then suddenly they're dead with no "new" things being done to them (no new spells cast, no new attacks, etc.). I've seen this more than once in this area. (I play that area with 5 henchies and me btw).
I've seen something like this in reverse: The giants outside the Ascalon Settlement (Lion's Arch) are fighting my group and me. They are at about half health and then suddenly they're dead with no "new" things being done to them (no new spells cast, no new attacks, etc.). I've seen this more than once in this area. (I play that area with 5 henchies and me btw).
Fye Duron
There is alot on issues going on right now. As Aniewiel put it the "rubberband" issue is all over the place. I have had huge problems with killing creatures lately. They just don't die. There health bar is completely empty, but the just keep dishing it out. It was pretty sad when I can hit some thing with no health for over 100 damage and it just stands there.
Are you using healing signet? Because it sounds like you are taking the double damage penalty from that.
To the person who mentioned the Gypsy Ettins. I find they seem to die suddenly due to healing signet as mentioned above. I know if i hit one with lightning orb while its using the signet, it will do nearly 300 dmg and i rarely notice the extra damage so they seem to just die suddenly from a heart attack.
To the person who mentioned the Gypsy Ettins. I find they seem to die suddenly due to healing signet as mentioned above. I know if i hit one with lightning orb while its using the signet, it will do nearly 300 dmg and i rarely notice the extra damage so they seem to just die suddenly from a heart attack.

Healing Signet has -40 armor, not double damage. Double damage is Frenzy, which I rarely use. I finally did complete the quest, but it took three lv20 guys, myself, a lv18 and a lv17. Of that group, only myself and one of the lv20s remained standing. I also highly doubt this was latency, because it doesn't act like the game does when it starts to lag. This is just some random BS bug. It's done now though. Now if only the damn monsters would drop soemthing worth more than 10 gold. I played for six and a half hours yesterday trying to get gold and made 1.3k. Most of the time I was alone or with one healer henchman, nobody else. I don't think that's right either.
Originally Posted by velvetbunny
Are you using healing signet? Because it sounds like you are taking the double damage penalty from that.
To the person who mentioned the Gypsy Ettins. I find they seem to die suddenly due to healing signet as mentioned above. I know if i hit one with lightning orb while its using the signet, it will do nearly 300 dmg and i rarely notice the extra damage so they seem to just die suddenly from a heart attack. ![]() |

The gypsy ettin actually die instantly because they have endure pain. It never shows when they use it but if you find a warrior ettin boss and use signet of capture, the skill will show up.
When endure pain ends, they lose all that health and if it puts them at 0 or below, they instantly die.
When endure pain ends, they lose all that health and if it puts them at 0 or below, they instantly die.
Originally Posted by Fye Duron
There is alot on issues going on right now. As Aniewiel put it the "rubberband" issue is all over the place. I have had huge problems with killing creatures lately. They just don't die. There health bar is completely empty, but the just keep dishing it out. It was pretty sad when I can hit some thing with no health for over 100 damage and it just stands there.
yeah baratus do you use endure pain? Say if endure pain gives you 200 hp. When it ends, you lose 200 hp. If you have under 200 hp, you hp will go to the negatives but you wont die since you will be left with 1 hp. But once hit and you will die. Sometimes when endure pain wears off on me it takes 5 or 6 seconds for my health at 5 pips to get over 1 since the wearing off of endure pain brought me into the negatives.
Originally Posted by Baratus
Healing Signet has -40 armor, not double damage. Double damage is Frenzy, which I rarely use. I finally did complete the quest, but it took three lv20 guys, myself, a lv18 and a lv17. Of that group, only myself and one of the lv20s remained standing. I also highly doubt this was latency, because it doesn't act like the game does when it starts to lag. This is just some random BS bug. It's done now though. Now if only the damn monsters would drop soemthing worth more than 10 gold. I played for six and a half hours yesterday trying to get gold and made 1.3k. Most of the time I was alone or with one healer henchman, nobody else. I don't think that's right either.

-40 is exactly the same as double damage. As for this bug, I've never had it happen to me, but it has on occassion happened to monsters I have been fighting. I would say it has nothing to do with healing signet simply because the monsters I was fighting weren't using Healing Signet.
Could be critical hits... also, yeah the ettins use Endure Pain, you just have to beat on them till it wears off, then they have 1 hp and die to your next strike, lol.
Originally Posted by velvetbunny
The skills section on this site says double damage, but i believe i and this site were indeed wrong, I'm to lazy to check in game. But -40 armor is basically the same deal, if your armor is only 40 or less AL your looking at negative armor and ALOT of extra damage still.
![]() |
The staff must've changed it in-game to say -40 armor so it's harder to use early on (when things around old ascalon only hit you for 1 damage each, double isn't so bad). It made warriors in early areas nearly invulerable, even taking double damage. With the -40 armor, the warriors have only 10 armor + 20 vs physical while using this signet. This makes their armor as good as the mage armor around ascalon vs physical, and worse when being hit by magic.
Originally Posted by Interregnum
Actually the healing signet skill was changed. It DID used to say that you take double damage when using this skill.
The staff must've changed it in-game to say -40 armor so it's harder to use early on (when things around old ascalon only hit you for 1 damage each, double isn't so bad). It made warriors in early areas nearly invulerable, even taking double damage. With the -40 armor, the warriors have only 10 armor + 20 vs physical while using this signet. This makes their armor as good as the mage armor around ascalon vs physical, and worse when being hit by magic. |
If you look at the breakdown of how armor affects the damage you take, each increase/decrease of 40 armor reduces/increases damage taken by half, so the description is different yes, but it means exactly the same thing.
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
I have this problem too, but if you pay attention, it won't confuse you. When you start attacking the monster, before anything has even touched him, it shows him with no health. It takes just as long to kill him as the other monsters, because he was at full health. You just can't see how his health bar is going because when you targeted him, it said he had no health. Its a wierd bug but not a big deal, once you realize that its a bugged creature.
I still don't think it's an issue with signet. I rarely use it, and I never use endure pain. I can be healed by Alesia or a human healer to full, continue fighting, be down to around 3/4 my life, then insto-death. No pauses for latency or anything, just one hit that pops up XXX damage out of the blue. Now that I am in the jungle I have not had this issue. I have had an issue with random wind-riders continually casting something that won't let me cast spells (healing or other) though. I mean I can be down to one last beast, and it casts it every turn until my health finishes draining. How the hell does that work? It also doesn't happen every time, just randomly, and from what I can tell, only the wind-riders bug and constantly cast it. I can't use any skill or spell against them because of this. I basically have to run in and pray I can wipe them out before their spell completly drains me.
Hmmm Maybe Some anti lvl 20 farming measures? lol