The NPCs do seem to follow now if you flee a bad situation; which is nice, but they have in turn accidentally (I hope) acquired another bad behavior.
If you die while fighting, your NPCs thoughtfully disengage their current foe to engage the strongest monster remaining.
Isn't that nice?

Of course, the fact that my AoE had completely destroyed all but 2 of the 6 Mahgo Hydras, and of the remaining, one had a sliver of health and the other (which added in) was at full health is inconsequential.
"Quickly Devona! we must join our leader in suicide! - Throw yourself on your blade..NOW!"
Did I mention that the almost dead one was the designated target just before succuumbing to injuries myself? Yes, they were easily bashing its little angry brain in...
Then, the brave team of Devona and Little Thorn actually jumped off the dying hydra to go get themselves eaten by the full health one.
A glitch I thought, silly NPCs. Was Alesia directing them again?
Then 5 minutes later, an exact repeat occurred...
Houston, we have a problem...
Being the supergenius that I am, I simply adapted a new improved strateegery...

Still, Devona and Little THorn didn't previously switch like this.
Entertained, but slightly annoyed,