Server IP and Ports?
I have a router that can do bandwidth management and wanted to create some rules to help GuildWars get the most out of my bandwidth. Does anyone know what the IP is of the server and what ports it uses?
I dont think to many people know that I would contact the [email protected] or whatever it is for that information.
In my opinion, bandwidth management is not necessary, since thousands upon thousands of users probably do not have that option. And Guild Wars probably throttles your bandwidth as needed.
And there are probably many servers that ANET runs, and you would need all of them to do that, if you were looking for IP addresses, since you wouldn't know what server you'd be playing on, and I am not sure ANET would give out their server IP addresses. It's just asking for trouble.
And there are probably many servers that ANET runs, and you would need all of them to do that, if you were looking for IP addresses, since you wouldn't know what server you'd be playing on, and I am not sure ANET would give out their server IP addresses. It's just asking for trouble.
I think the OP wants to put the bandwith rules to use GW at the same time as some kind of P2P program, so it can be a good idea (I have to close emule to play nicely xD)
And for getting the IP and ports, the easiest way is opening a MS-DOS command (Run -> cmd) and write down "netstat -a" while you are connected to GW.
You will get a lot of lines (dont know how many because im at work now) with the same IP and various ports. If you dont have anything else that uses the bandwith you can identify the GW server.
Hope it helps
And for getting the IP and ports, the easiest way is opening a MS-DOS command (Run -> cmd) and write down "netstat -a" while you are connected to GW.
You will get a lot of lines (dont know how many because im at work now) with the same IP and various ports. If you dont have anything else that uses the bandwith you can identify the GW server.
Hope it helps