Cheap Celestial Sigils
Great Gjl
I have a total of 6 sigils for sale. Leave your offers and IGN here please.
How much are you selling them for?
Forboding Angel
10k for 1
Forboding Angel
Forboding Angel
Great Gjl
I'm setting the price to 25k each.
Will you go lower than 25k?
ill take one also and try to come up w/ the money
<===== ign
<===== ign
i ll take one. you dont need to pack it, i ll eat it at once
is your ign the same you use for posting?
is your ign the same you use for posting?
I'll buy one from ya .
IGN = Overlord Tyrael
IGN = Overlord Tyrael
Zack O Blade
Ill Buy one Also IGN: The Shao Lin Monk
ill buy one ign eat u alive
27k + Dwarven ale for a sigil.
IGN = Farmer Fred
IGN = Farmer Fred
I'll take one
<----- IGN
<----- IGN
i'll take one if still available.
leave me a pm here since i'm still at work.
leave me a pm here since i'm still at work.
8k cash
(i have 2 of these)
IGN Amorus Deus or Amadues Sarrana
(i have 2 of these)
IGN Amorus Deus or Amadues Sarrana
PM me, if you have any Sigils left
IGN: Jarhtz Boa Mahpin
IGN: Jarhtz Boa Mahpin
Me Too. Ign Vallien Aracan
i'm interested too. let me know if you got them
I'd like to buy one too.. PM me if you got any left.. at least tell us how many u got left ;D
Knight of Saitin
I'll Buy one for 35k.
IGN Bane Night.
PM me if you want to sell one
IGN Bane Night.
PM me if you want to sell one
Glaj the disturbed
ill pay 50k each for 2
The God Of Metal
I'll pay 30k for one if there are any left
IGN- He Who Mends
IGN- He Who Mends