Of course we all know its beautiful, but have ne of you wished there would be more than just day, night, cloudy, sunny, and snow?
Im hoping they will sooner or later have lightning and such in PvE to spice things up a bit... I hear the rain on the login screen and I just wish there was more of that sort of weather going on.
Guild Wars Environment
There's lightning all around Sardalec Sanitarium and Old Ascalon area. Does that count?

I think it'd be cool if they did somthing like in the Dark cloud series, or in morrowind. And have ingame time, that goes faster then actual time. Then match up the lighting with the time of day. And ad some random weather here and there. This one time it was getting to an exciting/dramatic part in a quest and it started thundering outside. It was awsome.
There should be a tornado that happens that blows all your characters around dropping random items from your bag on the ground.
ok i just went to the sanitatium, and thats just thunder :P so my thoughts about implementing actual lightning which you will see are still valid.
Originally Posted by Takkun
ok i just went to the sanitatium, and thats just thunder :P so my thoughts about implementing actual lightning which you will see are still valid.
I remember lightening as well. Also there are random metors at Hells Precipace that will do damage and knock you down if you're in the right spot.
But I agree, noticable changes in time, weather, and seasons would be cool. Freak Blizzards in the shiverpeaks that have the effect of Frozen Ground, random Dust Storms in the desert that also slow you down, random Dust Devils that give blindness, Monsoon type weather in Kryta. Cyclic night and day in all areas, seasons, etc. etc. etc. Would all be nifty imho.
But I agree, noticable changes in time, weather, and seasons would be cool. Freak Blizzards in the shiverpeaks that have the effect of Frozen Ground, random Dust Storms in the desert that also slow you down, random Dust Devils that give blindness, Monsoon type weather in Kryta. Cyclic night and day in all areas, seasons, etc. etc. etc. Would all be nifty imho.
well i remember that kind of lightning too, but you only see it like once every three times you go into that area... I want the amount of thunder you hear in that area to be equal with the amount of lightning, even if it isnt next to you, to be more frequent.
I hear thunder about every 10 seconds.... wheres the lightning that produces it?
I hear thunder about every 10 seconds.... wheres the lightning that produces it?