Originally Posted by DeanBB
I read somewhere, perhaps an interview, that GW would not have the common races and elves were particularly mentioned. Anyone else remember that interview?
I'm not debating whether they will or will not be inserted, I'm debating that they could be added in Ascalon without any damage to the lore. I'm really not interested in playing an elf character myself, I understand ANet's choice of having nothing but humans for the original title seeing how the story evolves around a kingdom trying to survive.
Originally Posted by DeanBB
Dwarves make sense as they are already part of the story and there are places they could be inserted into the world as we know it. Monster races don't make a lot of sense as how do you explain the enemies we've been fighting to all of a sudden be accepted into human towns?
There are plenty of places where elves could be added as well. The map we're currently using has an abundance of areas that haven't been touched. Also, there are no dwarves in Ascalon or in Kryta, there are no Forsaken in Kryta or Ascalon so why do you insist that elves would have to be already introduced into the world? Heck, you wouldn't even have to be very clever with the storyline to make it fit. Heck demons, like the OP first suggested, could even be introduced (depending on your definition of "demon" of course).