Hit locations?
Does GW have hit-locations like in your common FPS? I ask because I have three runes of absorbtion and a rune of major vigor for my armor. Now, I was thinking of putting the major vigor rune on my cuirass, but if the hits are part-specific, I'd think the cuirass would do better with an absorbtion rune. Ideas?
Hit Locations. Lol Not Many of those.
It does matter, and this info is posted at: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/content...ide-id1156.php
I would suggest the absorbtion rune on the curiass, as it will recieve the majority of hits.
I would suggest the absorbtion rune on the curiass, as it will recieve the majority of hits.
I do remember reading that locations are hit specific, like a certain % getting hit wherever, but that only matters depending on the type of armor you have on. First off, Absorbtion runes dont stack, so more than 1 wont help you out. Secondly, the 1 rune reduces any damage you take regardless of where it hits. The location of where hits land only matters depending on the type of armor you are wearing on that spot. Hit location doesnt even matter if you have the same type of armor on you, i.e all ur pieces of armor have 60 armor. But take this for instance:
Say there was a monk with 2 pieces of Aestetic Armor (however its spelled), 1 on torso and 1 on legs, and 2 pieces of Judges armor, 1 on feet and 1 on arms, and the scalp design. The 2 Aestetic Armor have 60 armor, as does the scalp design, and the 2 judges armor have 70. (I think its Judges) Depending on where the hit lands, they will either take more from the hit or less, depending on the spot where the hit lands. Also, there is no real way to look at an attack and determine where it hit. (im pretty sure)
EDIT: Ok Im probably wrong about the Absorbtion thing now I think about it.
Say there was a monk with 2 pieces of Aestetic Armor (however its spelled), 1 on torso and 1 on legs, and 2 pieces of Judges armor, 1 on feet and 1 on arms, and the scalp design. The 2 Aestetic Armor have 60 armor, as does the scalp design, and the 2 judges armor have 70. (I think its Judges) Depending on where the hit lands, they will either take more from the hit or less, depending on the spot where the hit lands. Also, there is no real way to look at an attack and determine where it hit. (im pretty sure)
EDIT: Ok Im probably wrong about the Absorbtion thing now I think about it.
So if I put the warrior rune of minor absorbtion on my boots, hits to the cuirass would have reduced damage? The reason I ask is because the second set of armor for the warrior (you get it in post-searing Ascalon) has "reduces damage" on every single piece. I don' understand why they'd do that if it was needed on only one piece.
I'm pretty sure it does matter by the piece. It just wouldn't make sense if you're hit in the head and your foot absorbs some of the damage, now would it? If you want the damage absorbed, I think you have to have the absorbtion rune on the exact peice of armor hit.
Yea, I just assumed it worked like Shielding Hands myself, but I do see where I am wrong, on a pretty high level =/. My bad
No problem, I waited to be sure. Now I will rune the three most important places and use major runes on the others. Thanks for the info!
Don't do that. The absorbtion rune is universal, as is the reduction from knight's armor. That means getting hit in the chest with an absorbtion rune in the leg makes you take less damage. I am POSITIVE about this, as I use both an absorbtion rune and knights boots, and when hit by a minotaur, I ALWAYS take 18 damage.
Doesn't matter. One screwed-up thing about GW is that negative effects stack, positives don't. I have two major runes on my armor (tactics and swordsmanship) which means I am -100 health. I tried using two vigor ruens before and they didn't stack, and that is all I would want to do. My Paladin is setup as a true paladin, and all attribute points are at his sword skill, not hammer or axe.
Well, I have to say I'm as surprised as I am mistaken (i.e. wrong). My apologies all around. I do still think I'm gonna put my sup. absorbtion rune (when I have the $$ to buy one) on my chest armor, just in case

Well, I think I found the source of my confusion. To me, this makes it look like you would need an absorbtion rune on the peice of armor that's actually hit.
Runes affect you globably. Placing an absorption rune on your feet will give you it's absorption affect over your entire body.