Corpsefire's rather large auction
PLEASE do NOT bump this thread anymore. I am trying to let it die so I can make a new one but if people keep bumping it I can't do that. If you have any questions/contact information for me please do it through PM.
Bidding is now over. Items with bids on them that are not marked as "SOLD" did not recive high enough bids are are not being sold. These items will be posted in my next thread along with all the new stuff I've found. If you want one of them you can PM me about it and maybe we can work something out, or just wait for the other thread and bid on them again there.
To the highest bidders on all the sold items:
Whisper me whenever you want to claim your items. My IGNs are The Load Of Ghouls, Generic Lookin Monk and Spicy Mexi Sorc. If I don't hear from you in two days the item will go back up for sale. If for some reason you are unable to claim it in that time PM me about it or whisper me in game and I will hold it for you. I just need to know that you still want it.
Alright, how this will work is after two days I will look at the bids. If I feel the amount offered is high enough, the item will be sold. If not, it will be left up for another two days. I don't really care about the purple max damage items with crappy mods and will let them go for pretty much whatever is offered, but for some of the higher end items I do have reserves in mind and I will not sell them until a price I'm happy with has been reached. I will update this post as people start bidding/items get sold.
Swords (#1-12)
Swords/Axes (#13-24)
Axes/Bows and a hammer (#25-34)
Shields (#35-47)
Upgrades (#48-60)
EDIT: Ok, first two days are up. The items marked as SOLD are out of the auction. If an item has a bid on it but has not been sold it means the bid isn't high enough or multiple people bid the same amount on it. The auction will continue on those items and on the ones that didn't get any bids for another two days.
I will attempt to get a hold of all the winning bidders but that's quite a lot of people for me to track down and it would make my life a lot easier if you were to whisper me first. My IGNs are The Load Of Ghouls, Generic Lookin Monk and Spicy Mexi Sorc.
Current bids:
1:800g - Unforgetable Cronos - SOLD
2:10.5k - Extremely Godlike
3: - SOLD in game
4:1.5k - darknicrofia - SOLD
5:2.5k - Es1 - SOLD
6:800g - Unforgetable Cronos - SOLD
8:3k - bossashbash
10:5k - Jakz
11:800 - Unforgetable Cronos - SOLD
12:750g - Starbeast - SOLD
13:4k - prodigee - SOLD
14:5k - sol_08 - SOLD
16:500g - Laetitia of Yenemi - SOLD
17:1k - BokaSlayer - SOLD
18:1k - Hunter Freeman - SOLD
19:500g - Laetitia of Yenemi - SOLD
20:1k - Deacon Brodie - SOLD
21:1k - The God Of Metal - SOLD
23:2k - Unsung Hero 726 - SOLD
24:13.5k - prodigee
25:6k - Alrik Spellbinder
26:2k - Alrik Spellbinder - SOLD
27:4.5k - pkeybank - SOLD
28:1k - Shadowfox1125
30:1.5k - adamsjh - SOLD
31:1.2k - Ferret - SOLD
32:1k - Wilheim Eversmann - SOLD
34:5k - Wardog - SOLD
35:1k - DrAgOnS HoWL - SOLD
37:500g - Wilheim Eversmann - SOLD
42:4k - Hellboy640 - SOLD
44:6k - wat my name is - SOLD
45:1k - Deacon Brodie - SOLD
47:5k - Wardog - SOLD
48:SOLD in game
49:500g - mr-t - SOLD
50:2k - Anya - SOLD
51:1.5k - Moukouf - SOLD
52:1k - Hazmatt - SOLD
53:7k - brennan.10 - SOLD
54:750g - Unsung Hero 726 - SOLD
56:1k - Slimcea - SOLD
57:3K - Jhadur - SOLD
58:2k - Slimcea - SOLD
60:1k - Slimcea - SOLD
Bidding is now over. Items with bids on them that are not marked as "SOLD" did not recive high enough bids are are not being sold. These items will be posted in my next thread along with all the new stuff I've found. If you want one of them you can PM me about it and maybe we can work something out, or just wait for the other thread and bid on them again there.
To the highest bidders on all the sold items:
Whisper me whenever you want to claim your items. My IGNs are The Load Of Ghouls, Generic Lookin Monk and Spicy Mexi Sorc. If I don't hear from you in two days the item will go back up for sale. If for some reason you are unable to claim it in that time PM me about it or whisper me in game and I will hold it for you. I just need to know that you still want it.
Alright, how this will work is after two days I will look at the bids. If I feel the amount offered is high enough, the item will be sold. If not, it will be left up for another two days. I don't really care about the purple max damage items with crappy mods and will let them go for pretty much whatever is offered, but for some of the higher end items I do have reserves in mind and I will not sell them until a price I'm happy with has been reached. I will update this post as people start bidding/items get sold.
Swords (#1-12)
Swords/Axes (#13-24)
Axes/Bows and a hammer (#25-34)
Shields (#35-47)
Upgrades (#48-60)
EDIT: Ok, first two days are up. The items marked as SOLD are out of the auction. If an item has a bid on it but has not been sold it means the bid isn't high enough or multiple people bid the same amount on it. The auction will continue on those items and on the ones that didn't get any bids for another two days.
I will attempt to get a hold of all the winning bidders but that's quite a lot of people for me to track down and it would make my life a lot easier if you were to whisper me first. My IGNs are The Load Of Ghouls, Generic Lookin Monk and Spicy Mexi Sorc.
Current bids:
1:800g - Unforgetable Cronos - SOLD
2:10.5k - Extremely Godlike
3: - SOLD in game
4:1.5k - darknicrofia - SOLD
5:2.5k - Es1 - SOLD
6:800g - Unforgetable Cronos - SOLD
8:3k - bossashbash
10:5k - Jakz
11:800 - Unforgetable Cronos - SOLD
12:750g - Starbeast - SOLD
13:4k - prodigee - SOLD
14:5k - sol_08 - SOLD
16:500g - Laetitia of Yenemi - SOLD
17:1k - BokaSlayer - SOLD
18:1k - Hunter Freeman - SOLD
19:500g - Laetitia of Yenemi - SOLD
20:1k - Deacon Brodie - SOLD
21:1k - The God Of Metal - SOLD
23:2k - Unsung Hero 726 - SOLD
24:13.5k - prodigee
25:6k - Alrik Spellbinder
26:2k - Alrik Spellbinder - SOLD
27:4.5k - pkeybank - SOLD
28:1k - Shadowfox1125
30:1.5k - adamsjh - SOLD
31:1.2k - Ferret - SOLD
32:1k - Wilheim Eversmann - SOLD
34:5k - Wardog - SOLD
35:1k - DrAgOnS HoWL - SOLD
37:500g - Wilheim Eversmann - SOLD
42:4k - Hellboy640 - SOLD
44:6k - wat my name is - SOLD
45:1k - Deacon Brodie - SOLD
47:5k - Wardog - SOLD
48:SOLD in game
49:500g - mr-t - SOLD
50:2k - Anya - SOLD
51:1.5k - Moukouf - SOLD
52:1k - Hazmatt - SOLD
53:7k - brennan.10 - SOLD
54:750g - Unsung Hero 726 - SOLD
56:1k - Slimcea - SOLD
57:3K - Jhadur - SOLD
58:2k - Slimcea - SOLD
60:1k - Slimcea - SOLD
57+48 2k each
daily bump
#25 500 gold ign Marcus The Monk
#30 - 1k
Sir Spitfire
#10 1k
Ol Dirty Scott
1k on 31
ign : Douche Bagel
ign : Douche Bagel
48, 53 and 57 3k each
Dirty Necro
5k - #24. 2k - #44.
500g for #49 IGN Hardboy I
#48 - 20K
<-- ign
<-- ign
#48 - 5k
#24 - 8k
#44 - 5k
#3 - 2k
IGN: Tanelle Johnson/ Sir Larry/ Lord Arsene
#24 - 8k
#44 - 5k
#3 - 2k
IGN: Tanelle Johnson/ Sir Larry/ Lord Arsene
1.5k on 30
IGN:Terok Kragmore
IGN:Terok Kragmore
1.2k on #31 (Fiery Longbow of Fortitude) Purchased!
IG Name: Ferret Murviedro (Euro Servers)
IG Name: Ferret Murviedro (Euro Servers)
Laetitia of Yenemi
ok ...
500g apiece on 16&19
1k on 26
4k on 53
500g apiece on 16&19
1k on 26
4k on 53
3k on # 2
Alrik Spellbinder
#25 4k
#26 1k
#26 1k
5K on #34
2k on #47
10k on #48
2k on #47
10k on #48
Hunter Freeman
1k = 18
IGN Tawney Jones (or other 2 in name <=)
IGN Tawney Jones (or other 2 in name <=)
1k for #26
IGN: stfu allan, zombie fever, stfu noob
IGN: stfu allan, zombie fever, stfu noob
Wilheim Eversmann
1K for #32
IGN=Wilheim Tang
IGN=Wilheim Tang
damn talk about low-balling...
kind of hard to see, but if #48 is 3/-1
i'll start ya off @ 15k
pm me here.
kind of hard to see, but if #48 is 3/-1
i'll start ya off @ 15k
pm me here.
Unforgetable Cronos
1 and 16 and 17 100 each
#13 for 3k
ign: noxxy chieco
ign: noxxy chieco
Con Quessso
7k for #24
Con Quessso
Con Quessso
4k on #48 ign:Fabualoz Wwarrior
2k for 27, ign - Moo Moo Tank
5k ON #47
1k on #17
IGN : Thor Shieldbreaker
IGN : Thor Shieldbreaker
Some of these guys clearly aren't paying attention because the recent bids on some items are less than the bids others of us made earlier in the thread.
#56 - 1k
#58 - 1k
#60 - 1k
#58 - 1k
#60 - 1k
Alrik Spellbinder
#25 6k
#48 - 21k
#24 12k IGN: Alexander Corinova
Divine Damage
5k on #53
IGN Divine damage
IGN Divine damage
#48 - 25K
<-- ign
<-- ign
#12 750 gold
#58 1k
#58 1k
1.5k on #4
IGN: darknicrofia ranger, darknicrofia of str, ancient phoenix, crusader allegiance
IGN: darknicrofia ranger, darknicrofia of str, ancient phoenix, crusader allegiance
Unsung Hero 726
2.5k on number 10
flip the kat