peope spam wts/wtb in local channels because they realize that no one ever has trade chat open, pretty soon they will be resorting to private msging in-game, which will be even more annoying
i am against MOST leetspeak or whatever you type it as, but i do use some of the useful ones ALOT, like; lol <-- said in earlier post, it's a word of its own now

, brb, cya <-- often people have to leave immediately and do not have time to say a full goodbye, lmao <-- another version of lol, IFG, or LFG, but i never put experienced no noobs or any of that ****, because thats degrading the other people and i probably won't be invited. If you really want a group of probably very good people type, message me if you think you aren't that good and we can form group, then show a big smile

, thats pretty much the only good ones that should be used
brb is probably the most important, i don't get what some of you people have a problem with this, because, if something in the real world comes up, i.e. for me sometimes i have to take the dog out, i don't have forever to type be right back, because by then, i'll get yelled at by my parents and prolly kicked off the comp, brb is generally used when a situation without previous notice comes up that REQUIRES the persons immediate attention, so if you see someone say, brb, THEN THEY HAVE SOMETHING THAT NEEDS ATTENTION, so don't get pissed at them if they have responsibilities in REAL life...., if they say brb gonna get food, then that would be an excuse, because they can spell that out and then get their food, but for emergencies you don't always have time to type out every single word like a grammar/spell freak