Ok, so we know theres cold, fire, lightning, earth and to a lesser poison.
but is there a "best" ?
Im asking because I have a cold dmg bow, and a fire dmg bow, but was thinking of getting earth or lightning......things is do enemies actually have weakness' to elements? ice vs fire fire vs ice etc?
if so would you suggest an earth or lightning bow next?
Elemental weapon types ( cold/fire etc )
Doesn't matter :\.
It's all about armor. Some things will have more vs som elements others less. There is no best.
It's all about armor. Some things will have more vs som elements others less. There is no best.
Ah as I thought.....I usually see in games that one element or another only has a tiny group of enemies resistant to it, anyone know if its the same in this?
Question. If all elemental damage is the same regardless of enemy type, why do people in ring of fire missions suggest bringing winter and using cold weapons, if fire would work just as well against those mobs?
Because being fire creatures I expect they have +armour vs fire elemental damage, and so fire will do less to them, BUT all other elemental damage will do the same even though cold should probably do extra it wont.
Actually it does almost 3 times the damage of the other elements in hells precipice. With my rangers lightning damage bow I'd do ~8 damage a shot on average, but with winter on it'd shoot up past 20. That's just for the titans though, don't think the mursaat care much about what element you use, they're resistant to everything it seems.