Search was unhelpful and it doesn't show up on the elite list. Thanks.
edit: BTW, I'm a W/Mo
Where Does One Acquire Healing Breeze?
Ole Man Bourbon
Algren Cole
Sir Bertran in Ascalon City
search didnt help because you didnt search in skill listings. top left hand corner, click site home, top left corner again click skill listings, fill out info for class you need. click on skill you want and it tells you where to find it.
Healing Breeze is the first skill given to a primary monk in pre-seaing. Any secondary monk has to buy it from Sir Bertan in Ascalon City post-searing.
Odd thing is, yesterday I switch my secondary prof. for my ranger to a monk and it automatically gave me those initial skills for monks. Healing Breeze being one of them. Is this normal for 2nd prof. change?
yes, whenever you switch secondaries it will give you whatever the starting skills are
Ole Man Bourbon
Heh thanks guys. Thought I checked with Bertrand, guess I hallucinated.