ON RPGTRADERS: --------------------------------------------------------
first bid 1k: http://www.rpgtraders.net/guildwars/...?tradeid=47577
first bid 1k: http://www.rpgtraders.net/guildwars/...?tradeid=48336
first bid 1k: http://www.rpgtraders.net/guildwars/...?tradeid=48337
first bid 1k: http://www.rpgtraders.net/guildwars/...?tradeid=48339
Wts Gold Trucheon ; Fiery Dragon Sword ; Foehammer ; Purple Spatha Max with bonuses
Soeur Sourire
Chris the Motley
1k on the truncheon
Soeur Sourire
Please follow the link and bid on RPGTRADERS ^^
See you!
See you!
Soeur Sourire
2 day left, hurry! the price is still 1k for all the items.
Soeur Sourire
4 hours for the trucheon, 2days for the others...
Soeur Sourire
Trucheon over...
1 day left for the others...
1 day left for the others...