Divine Favor Bug??
Am I crazy or is there a bug in the way Divine Favor works? The description of the attribute says that allies are healed for 3 per point of divine favor whenever any monk spell is cast on them. However, when I cast spells on allies I only see the amount that the spell normally gives, not an extra 33 (I have 11 ranks). However, when I cast spells on myself I do see the extra 33. Does anyone know what's going on with this?
They should float in two separate blue + [numbers] upwards from the body. You only see one number?
You only see divine favor gained for yourself. It's the same as if another player (let's say in this case "god") was casting the divine favor healing. You can see when it hits you, but not when it hits other players.
But it is there
But it is there
Exactly, I see only one number unless I either cast spells on myself or I use Divine Boon. To answer some other posts now... I am using things like Orison, Dwayna's, obvious healing spells that should recieve the bonus from having ranks in divine favor. I thought about the possibility that the numbers are hidden but I don't think that's the case... I think when I used a few protection spells the healing didn't happen.
Mandy Memory
Its there, run with a guild mate and have him tell you.
Mercury Angel
Simply use any non-healing skill (Guardian, Shielding Hands, whatever) and observe it cause your ally's health bar to move up slightly.
Thanks for the suggestions, it does appear that it does work after all. I guess I expected to see the blue numbers so when I didn't it made me wonder if something was wrong. Thanks everyone.
Mandy Memory
I thought they were they in beta, but its prolly better they were taken out, orison divine boon and divine favor would start to get messy
I guess it could get messy but personally I would rather be sure it's working