New Weekly Feature 28 July 2005
Starting this week, we will be presenting updates from our community fansites on the Fansite News page. We will keep you informed about site expansions, new features, and much more of note on a weekly basis. Check the Fansite News page every Thursday for the latest from the global Guild Wars community!
I dont think I quite understand. Anyone gonna take a whack at it
Could Someone Clarify This For Me
Izzy Izumi
By the looks of the page it is linked to, they're informing people which sites have something updated every thursday. Today's/Yesterday's would be's finishing touches on the skill quest database.
From what I understand Guild Wars will now cover fan sites ... why?
Beats the living hell out of me, then again looking at the NPC trader it makes sense.
Beats the living hell out of me, then again looking at the NPC trader it makes sense.
Why do they have to rely on fansites to post updates?
i dont get it
i dont get it
Well beats fixing the economy ...
They are not looking to fansites to post updates to the game they are posting on their webpage when fansites have posted updated material to the fanpages. For example GWonline updated thier page with a new database, so they are informing all.
Divinitys Creature
Lol Lol Lol