Guild Enchantments
Ok this idea would be for something called Guild Enchantments or Guild World Spells or something of that nature. Basically the idea is to have a guild, once it has a guild hall, have the ability to cast spells that affect every member of the guild no matter where in the world they were. Some thing small not over powered right dont want to unbalence things. Here is the way it works in my head.
Must have guild
Guild must have guild hall
Only one world spell can run at a time
Must be an officer or higher to cast or change the enhancement
Implimentaiton (always up for critique and revision)
As guilds seem to have these NPC priests that pop up in pvp I propose a guild "grand master wizard" (name/title obviously up for debate) NPC. This NPC resides in the guild hall and has the same interface as crafter. He has various spells that he can cast, cheaper stuff for lower level guilds that dont have a lot of cash and more expensive stuff for guilds with more cash (obvioulsy the difference in affect would not be so huge that rich guilds overpower poor guild, just a slight difference like we see in our weapons). The cost would be a chunk of gold as well as a chunk of crafting materials, rare, common, or otherwise kind of like armor (ah a gold sink and a way to dump all those unneeded bones). Once the fee is paid the wizard begins casting his spell, which has a long time delay since world enchantments can be complex (say 30 minutes so that while a guild is in GvG other members of the guild can not change the spell on the flip of a dime to alter the pvp match and also to make it more debatable about switching out spells). Simply put this has a worldwide affect of all guild members gain 2AL or 10hp or 3energy, 1 pip hp regen, only do fire dmg, 1%XP bonus, and so on you get the idea.
More complex spells could even be a possibility such as a higher bonus but with a draw back such as runes. For example +1 attribute level in character highest/lowest level attribute for -30 hp.
I am sure this idea is not original but I do not know if it has been posted here. I know it is not originial because I read too much fantasy where kingdoms battle it out with full army enchantments. Not to mention AO had(has?) something similar.
Must have guild
Guild must have guild hall
Only one world spell can run at a time
Must be an officer or higher to cast or change the enhancement
Implimentaiton (always up for critique and revision)
As guilds seem to have these NPC priests that pop up in pvp I propose a guild "grand master wizard" (name/title obviously up for debate) NPC. This NPC resides in the guild hall and has the same interface as crafter. He has various spells that he can cast, cheaper stuff for lower level guilds that dont have a lot of cash and more expensive stuff for guilds with more cash (obvioulsy the difference in affect would not be so huge that rich guilds overpower poor guild, just a slight difference like we see in our weapons). The cost would be a chunk of gold as well as a chunk of crafting materials, rare, common, or otherwise kind of like armor (ah a gold sink and a way to dump all those unneeded bones). Once the fee is paid the wizard begins casting his spell, which has a long time delay since world enchantments can be complex (say 30 minutes so that while a guild is in GvG other members of the guild can not change the spell on the flip of a dime to alter the pvp match and also to make it more debatable about switching out spells). Simply put this has a worldwide affect of all guild members gain 2AL or 10hp or 3energy, 1 pip hp regen, only do fire dmg, 1%XP bonus, and so on you get the idea.
More complex spells could even be a possibility such as a higher bonus but with a draw back such as runes. For example +1 attribute level in character highest/lowest level attribute for -30 hp.
I am sure this idea is not original but I do not know if it has been posted here. I know it is not originial because I read too much fantasy where kingdoms battle it out with full army enchantments. Not to mention AO had(has?) something similar.
interesting, so if this is a spell who's mana does it come out of or are you thinking of a global mana pool drain type of thing?
no energy cost basically the NPC holds it and he simply needs the materials and gold in order to create the needed pieces of the spell. The limit would be 1 spell. If ANet wanted they could get complex and have instead on -hp have -1pip energy regen over whole guild. As is stands right now this is more of a big picture idea actual buffs and costs I would leave up to ANet for balanceing purposes as they are more familiar with the actual formulas and functions behind the game.
ok, so more along the lines of an NPC created aura or sorts. sounds like a good idea to me.
Looks like you covered all of your bases with the 30 minute casting period and all precautions to make sure it wasn't abused. As of now, I can not think of a problem with this idea, except for the fact that it could cause arguement within a guild if some people want cold damage in the ring of fire, but others are in the shiverpeaks and want fire damage.
One other question I have, is how long would the effect be?
The only problem is this is probably too big of an idea and too big of an addition for ANet to implement, unless of course it were put in an expansion. However, as far as I can tell it seems like a good idea.
One other question I have, is how long would the effect be?
The only problem is this is probably too big of an idea and too big of an addition for ANet to implement, unless of course it were put in an expansion. However, as far as I can tell it seems like a good idea.
Originally Posted by aB-
Looks like you covered all of your bases with the 30 minute casting period and all precautions to make sure it wasn't abused. As of now, I can not think of a problem with this idea, except for the fact that it could cause arguement within a guild if some people want cold damage in the ring of fire, but others are in the shiverpeaks and want fire damage.
One other question I have, is how long would the effect be? The only problem is this is probably too big of an idea and too big of an addition for ANet to implement, unless of course it were put in an expansion. However, as far as I can tell it seems like a good idea. |
True it could spawn arguements, but guilds are supposed to work together reach consensus and have communication and all that. So if it is a poorly managed guild they are going to argue anyway.
The affect would be perminant until changed by an officer or guild leader. Members cant change it for the same reason they can not start guild battles. I suppose time limits to the affect could be added if perminant is too overpowering.
True coding could be a bear. Makes sense for an expansion. This is a guild war after all why not have guild spells?
I don't think you should be able to cast to anywhere from anywhere. That's just way too much of a broad use of power, which could result in unfairness.
well this or they could actually give each type of guild hall certain benefits...
I would rather see guild hall customizations, which would be the same idea of this, with a cost and some raw mats, but you change the appearance the the current hall. This is a good idea though, but when you're fighting another guild, the enchantment they're using should show up along with their name.
chaos dragoon
i think it is a good idea but maybehave more than one spell going but you have to chose what spell you want your char to have. that solves the ice-fire dmg thing
If you don't mind I'll add this to the combined Guild Hall Idea thread that I have going. I'm trying to keep all the ideas in one place so that they all get noticed together.
Originally Posted by Johnny Lange
I don't think you should be able to cast to anywhere from anywhere. That's just way too much of a broad use of power, which could result in unfairness.
Originally Posted by chaos dragoon
i think it is a good idea but maybehave more than one spell going but you have to chose what spell you want your char to have. that solves the ice-fire dmg thing
Originally Posted by Pashet
If you don't mind I'll add this to the combined Guild Hall Idea thread that I have going. I'm trying to keep all the ideas in one place so that they all get noticed together.
figure its about that time...bump
November Raine
well how would it work if someone has shatter enchantment would the enchantment go away for good..would someone have to redo the spell for 1 person but have it b casted upton 100's of ppl? i think it just makes it unfair and there wouldnt b ne players who wouldnt b in a guild becuz of this which would make it unfair for smaller guilds to recruit...just my thoughts
Originally Posted by November Raine
well how would it work if someone has shatter enchantment would the enchantment go away for good..would someone have to redo the spell for 1 person but have it b casted upton 100's of ppl? i think it just makes it unfair and there wouldnt b ne players who wouldnt b in a guild becuz of this which would make it unfair for smaller guilds to recruit...just my thoughts