What's the good build for N/E?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2005



hi i am new to guildwars
Is there any good build for a lv 15 N/E that can make me solo by myself?
i am now at the frost gate
also what weapon is better staff or wand?



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

You might want to check the builds section for any necro builds that might have been posted in the past.

Choosing to take either a wand or a staff is a matter of personal choice. While wielding a wand, you can also hold a focus. A staff, however, is two handed. While the focus might still show on the paper doll, it will be crossed out, and the effects/benefits will not show. The advantage, however, of a staff is that there are many upgrade components for staves. Wands and foci cannot be upgraded.

If you wish more detail, searching the forums for "wand staff" will give you many options, including one particularly useful thread:


Please try to use the search button first in the future.