Gold Max Damage Flamberge (Low Req!!!)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2005

Order of the Black Wolf


Gold Zealous Flamberge
Req. 8 Swordsmanship
15-22 Slashing Damage
+14% Damage vs. Hexed
Energy Gain 1 per hit
Energy Regen -1

Any offers for this good lookin' sword?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2005

Order of the Black Wolf


I am not sure what this is worth. No response on the etc. page for a PC but I would like to sell it at a fair price soon.

How bout 30k to start? What do you think? Any takers for this Max Damage Gold Sword at 30k? Anyone?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Ftl Fla

Knights of Pallas [KOP]


Actually the sword because of the %dam
is no better then a blue or white you can mod. you may
get in the 2-6k range you need to get % > 50 or echanted
gold swords for a chance at a decent price.

I'll bump you with a
2K bid.

IGN Rota Ulave