i realized spike teams hate QZ and Natures
they were pro.
especially when they said "wait stay back let them fight"
i love joining random teams ;(
it would be better if you could have heard what they were saying on teamspeak,
especially when we reached HoH.
and when i casted QZ + Natures.
This is why you never assume all Mo/X = Healers.
or join random spike teams that send invites to everyone in the district.
also check out my other videos
Suicide Monk www.heavenslegion.net/death.wmv
"my team hates me" www.heavenslegion.net/hate.wmv
Illustrating Poor Sportsmanship
Originally Posted by Makkert
Since I guess he'll delete the characters, i will avoid anyone from HOLY now. You shared this in guildchat with HOLY, so i guess they aren't much better then you. you really are a griever. and probably take pride in it. Troll.
its funny how people think high ranked guilds are up-tight people who dont mess around and have fun, well i got news for you. some guilds arnt all uptight , and dont mind a member screwin around to get some kicks and giggles. so if your here to flame and not have fun, then please save me and all these other fun loving people and /uninstall. now if you really have a problem with me, sure go avoid everyone from HOLY , not my problem, since we dont pve, we'll probably never even meet. with that being said, if you still have a problem , we'll be glad to take you in GvG =) Aniewiel
Moving to Screenshot Exposition for more abuse.
Not a very nice guy and sort of silly to brag about being cruel. |