Just wondering if i can get the ressuscitation signet if i am in Ascalon.
Is there a big dofference between a sword of damage 14-20 and 15-22 and is a 15-22 sword a maximum damage one.
Some questions
You can buy a resurection signet from ?sir bertran? the skills trainer in Ascalon post searing. This will thoguh cost you a skill point and 10 gold assuming it is your first bought skill.
I think it's Bertran too
I think that 15-22 is indeed currently the max base dmg of swords (mind that I say currently, leaving a chance to correct when future updates of new chapters increase the dmg - I don't know why they would do that but hey ... )
In my opinion there's not much difference, but 15-22 are not so hard to get, so ... it will mainly be the mods on the weapons you're comparing that make the difference (+armour or + health or increasing armour penetration and stuff alike)
I think that 15-22 is indeed currently the max base dmg of swords (mind that I say currently, leaving a chance to correct when future updates of new chapters increase the dmg - I don't know why they would do that but hey ... )
In my opinion there's not much difference, but 15-22 are not so hard to get, so ... it will mainly be the mods on the weapons you're comparing that make the difference (+armour or + health or increasing armour penetration and stuff alike)
To save yourself some cash, get a sword that's maybe 1 of max damage. They don't sell very well and the difference is negligible. Then you can put on the mods YOU want: pommel and grip.
you CAN get the rez signet in pre-searing ascalon. after you do the quest that gives you ur first 2 skills, go bak into ascalon city, and come out. to ur left should be the rez shrine, and lina should be there with a quest for you. you get the rez sig from doing that quest
Originally Posted by Excer
you CAN get the rez signet in pre-searing ascalon. after you do the quest that gives you ur first 2 skills, go bak into ascalon city, and come out. to ur left should be the rez shrine, and lina should be there with a quest for you. you get the rez sig from doing that quest