Auction: Rare Perfect Falchion, Axe Grip Fort (+29) and some shields adding hp
#2 5k by ItBegins
I remain the right to refuse offers if I feel they're too low. Auction will remain open for a few days.
ItBegins: Please post/PM me your IGN name.
*Shameless bump*
Just a heads up since you are new around here: They will close your thread if you bump more than once per 24 hour period. But look at it this way, you just got a free bmp from me
Cleaned it all up... new items for sale now. Could a moderator please edit my post title? The changes won't show up in the thread list.
This is my daily bump btw.
This is my daily bump btw.
10k each for #7 and #8
Jm Equinoxx
Jm Equinoxx
Blue Steel
15K each for 7 and 8
16k on 8
20k on 7
20k on 7
*Daily Bump*
got two reasonable ingame offers for item 7 and 8... guess I can't lose the rest.
will sell them both in a few hours if noone else wants them.
got two reasonable ingame offers for item 7 and 8... guess I can't lose the rest.
will sell them both in a few hours if noone else wants them.
5k ...... Gramaton Cleric