Stats of gold drops in high end areas.
OK, i have been compiling a list of all my drops for a short while and just wanted to mention something and kindly request that ArenaNet review their loot tables.
Out of the last 10 gold weapon drops, only two of them have been basic max damage items worth keeping (one of them a shield). The rest have been 1, 2 or 3 below maximum basic damage and this is rather disappointing.
Rare drops are rare...and that's good in the fact that it increases the excitement and adds fun to the game.
OK, the drops were nerfed..blah blah, but please, at least make the rare drops something special, not just crappy white items that are coloured gold.
When we do finally get a max gold item, it's something we have no use for or it has poopy stats like "while hexed".
I'm just waiting to finally find that godly bow of 15-28 DMG +15% "while blind".
I wouldn't be surprised if such a pathetic weapon exists.
Please Anet, make the gold items worthy of their colour...i shouldn't be finding better items on level 14 trolls.
Out of the last 10 gold weapon drops, only two of them have been basic max damage items worth keeping (one of them a shield). The rest have been 1, 2 or 3 below maximum basic damage and this is rather disappointing.
Rare drops are rare...and that's good in the fact that it increases the excitement and adds fun to the game.
OK, the drops were nerfed..blah blah, but please, at least make the rare drops something special, not just crappy white items that are coloured gold.
When we do finally get a max gold item, it's something we have no use for or it has poopy stats like "while hexed".
I'm just waiting to finally find that godly bow of 15-28 DMG +15% "while blind".
I wouldn't be surprised if such a pathetic weapon exists.
Please Anet, make the gold items worthy of their colour...i shouldn't be finding better items on level 14 trolls.
Supported wholeheartedly. If I kill 20 ettins going from one place to another, and it drops a Gold hammer, it shouldnt have presearing stats and a terrible or no modifier.
While we're at it, Gold armor drops shouldnt have something as crappy as Major Soul Reaping. Ugh.
While we're at it, Gold armor drops shouldnt have something as crappy as Major Soul Reaping. Ugh.
Thor Wolfson
Yea I id'd my gold armor, hoping to get lucky... only to find a major Death Magic. Also, I picked up a Gold Axe with 5-23 damage... despicable.
you guys are luckier then me! 2 ascended characters and NOT A SINGLE GOLD DROP
I thought a "while blind" would be useful, hearing how easy to blind a warrior now aday.
Fox Reeveheart
UGH! this is very very true.
Out of the 5 rares i ever gotten (easy number to remember, and i just got one today, but this is out of 2 characters) I only gotten ONE that was a max dmg of the weapons i found, but it was a bow and at the time I was a warrior so had no need for it.
All the others were terrible TERRIBLE mockeries of rare items, if its rare then it better be rare for a dang good reason.
Worse case scenario.
I found a rare defender.... no all. NONE! NOTHING! IT WAS JUST MAX DEFENSE! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
Out of the 5 rares i ever gotten (easy number to remember, and i just got one today, but this is out of 2 characters) I only gotten ONE that was a max dmg of the weapons i found, but it was a bow and at the time I was a warrior so had no need for it.
All the others were terrible TERRIBLE mockeries of rare items, if its rare then it better be rare for a dang good reason.
Worse case scenario.
I found a rare defender.... no all. NONE! NOTHING! IT WAS JUST MAX DEFENSE! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
Reiden Argrock
Ya, I agree that rare items are a little, pathetic, mainly being in most games, the really good items, being Rare's would be found around the end of the game.. why can these be gotten as early as Lion's Arch, oh well, also getting a rare that is totally useless except for salvage because the dmg is 5-23 for an axe and other non max rares, doesn't make since, I however would like you to not say that bonus dmg vs hexed foe's and others like this are bad, My w/n uses curses, and kicks ass in pvp and pve, with my hammer that does +13% vs hexed foes.. all the mod's have their uses, and just because it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it's useless
Anyway, if it's going to be a rare item, it should be worth using, no more of this non max dmg, +15% dmg hp>50%, this is just dumb
Anyway, if it's going to be a rare item, it should be worth using, no more of this non max dmg, +15% dmg hp>50%, this is just dumb
I love my gold non-max damage, no-mod, high req. hammer...
Originally Posted by Ashika
I love my gold non-max damage, no-mod, high req. hammer...
NOT! |

Reiden, i myself never said "vs hexed" i said "while hexed"
I do agree that some mods do have their uses (i have a gold max shield of the wing with +1 divine favor 16% chance, which i'm looking forward to using in the future).
Lorelei, "while blind" meaning the user of the weapon being blind, thus unable to use it effectively anyway. Sarcsasm...nvm.

I do agree that some mods do have their uses (i have a gold max shield of the wing with +1 divine favor 16% chance, which i'm looking forward to using in the future).
Lorelei, "while blind" meaning the user of the weapon being blind, thus unable to use it effectively anyway. Sarcsasm...nvm.

there are going to be golds which are better for lower levels, you cant expect everything to be max.
Originally Posted by KuTeBaka
there are going to be golds which are better for lower levels, you cant expect everything to be max.
I had 15 gold items in total and only 3 were worth keeping/had max stats.
That's less than one in three runs providing something decent.
Just over a week ago, we could expect up to three gold drops on each run and alot of them were pretty decent.
Fair enough...Anet have to make changes but the least they could do in return, while they fix the botting problem is just up the gold items stats to make them worthwhile.
If anything needs to be nerfed, it's the gold on the drops. I "personally" would be happy with that, as long as we had good drops to provide a balance.
My information i gathered today, states that i collected 240 bags of gold on 30 runs. Bags number between 60 and 220 gold...roughly 25,000 gold collected.
Let's say i was a bot...selling all the items i had collected, including gold drops, whites, animal parts etc. That is a hell of a lot of gold.
Raking in that much gold, i wouldn't mind if my bot never got max items.
I am not a bot, therefore i DO mind that the items are not maxed.
Anyway, i think i'm ranting on so let's just start back at the original post and leave it with Anet to judge.
Wow, 15 gold in 30 runs? Want to tell me your spot? I'm lucky to get 1 in 5. And like you said, almost every single one is a piece of crap.
Originally Posted by Commodore_Mcawesome
Wow, 15 gold in 30 runs? Want to tell me your spot? I'm lucky to get 1 in 5. And like you said, almost every single one is a piece of crap.
My Gold, Highly Salvagable Storm Bow owns you.
Originally Posted by Tactical-Dillusions
Here, watch this video which can be found in the griffon run thread. Video curtesy of Kalgareth. |
I got a less than max damage purple sword, not even unidentified, and the req was like 13 swordsmanship. OMFG

15-28 Ivory Bow... The bow that I would definitely hold on to for my upcoming ranger. Oh yes, I was happy to see it drop. THRILLED in fact.
the dmg mod? 18% to skeletons. I-nearly-had-a-fit. You've got to be joking. Honestly. Like really now. I remember when I first saw a vs plants dmg mod. I seriously cracked up. Now unfortunately it isn't quite as funny :P
Needless to say I am still going to hang onto it because at least it'll be good during all the undead missions that i'll run through with my ranger.
OH RIGHT, the other crappy thing? I already have created 4 characters and can't do anymore.
Gee, they wonder why we farm
15-28 Ivory Bow... The bow that I would definitely hold on to for my upcoming ranger. Oh yes, I was happy to see it drop. THRILLED in fact.
the dmg mod? 18% to skeletons. I-nearly-had-a-fit. You've got to be joking. Honestly. Like really now. I remember when I first saw a vs plants dmg mod. I seriously cracked up. Now unfortunately it isn't quite as funny :P
Needless to say I am still going to hang onto it because at least it'll be good during all the undead missions that i'll run through with my ranger.
OH RIGHT, the other crappy thing? I already have created 4 characters and can't do anymore.
Gee, they wonder why we farm

Hanok Odbrook
I think (and suggested in my "suggestions" thread) that the value of drops should be increased the farther along in the game you get. This would support the idea of this game being developed in part for the casual player who may not have an infinite amount of time to spend farming for the high value items. Should we be able to get everything on our first run of the game? No, but we shouldn't have to put in hundreds of hours or many, many months of playing to get a good selection of items.
White and Blue drops should dominate Pre-Searing (with the occassional purple in the Northlands). The same should go for the first areas of Post, with purple drops increasing in frequency and the white drops decreasing as you progress through the missions, followed by gold drops, and so on. As you near the end of the game, you should expect several purple and gold drops as you explore, and the white drops should be the rarity.
Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace
White and Blue drops should dominate Pre-Searing (with the occassional purple in the Northlands). The same should go for the first areas of Post, with purple drops increasing in frequency and the white drops decreasing as you progress through the missions, followed by gold drops, and so on. As you near the end of the game, you should expect several purple and gold drops as you explore, and the white drops should be the rarity.
Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace
Hanok Odbrook, in the petition to stop nerfing thread, you presented pleasingly intelligent posts (in contrast of the many ignorant others!!!) and once more your reasonable approach shines through. This game is made for the casual player. How so? No monthly fee. The casual gamer will not find $40 for the game plus $15 per month a worthy investment. For those of us who may find real life prohibits us from gaming for a week, or simply only have an hour or so each day, GW is the perfect game to sate our appetite.
Game play changes should reflect this group. At times, I feel sorry for the dev team, as they have a harder job trying to find a suitable drop rate for items. Like any other game, too few and too often lead to frustration and inflation, respectively, but in GW there is much less room for error as the many casual gamers skew it to the “too few.” What may be a good balance for the hardcore becomes a ridiculously stingy drop rate for the casual.
Perhaps they could save themselves a good deal of trouble by monitoring hours played per week and adjusting drops/stats of rare items based upon this statistic. By doing so, you eliminate a constant drop rate for all players and replace it with a lovely variable (non-linear plz). Those who play often will continue to be challenged while the friendly neighbourhood casual gamer can still have some fun post-mission-completion.
P.S. I have to disagree with your last comment, Hanok. Whites should never become a rarity as they are perfect for salvaging
Game play changes should reflect this group. At times, I feel sorry for the dev team, as they have a harder job trying to find a suitable drop rate for items. Like any other game, too few and too often lead to frustration and inflation, respectively, but in GW there is much less room for error as the many casual gamers skew it to the “too few.” What may be a good balance for the hardcore becomes a ridiculously stingy drop rate for the casual.
Perhaps they could save themselves a good deal of trouble by monitoring hours played per week and adjusting drops/stats of rare items based upon this statistic. By doing so, you eliminate a constant drop rate for all players and replace it with a lovely variable (non-linear plz). Those who play often will continue to be challenged while the friendly neighbourhood casual gamer can still have some fun post-mission-completion.
P.S. I have to disagree with your last comment, Hanok. Whites should never become a rarity as they are perfect for salvaging

emil knight
Originally Posted by Lorelei
I thought a "while blind" would be useful, hearing how easy to blind a warrior now aday.