Fire Rates + Ranges on New Bows



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

Does anyone have any information on the firing rates and the ranges of the new bows (the ones that you can get from the Fissure of Woe that glow)? If anyone has had one, how do their stats compare to the bows we have all seen? Are they much better or do they just look like much cooler counterparts to the already existing bows? Are there any that you found above the supposed max damage for a bow of 28?
-Thanks for the info.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

oops... crap... I wanted this under Q&A... sorry.