Ingame player "Police Force"
Sagius Truthbarron
With all the problems with players going on, all the spam and the profanity and the "UR MOM"s, I think it would be a good idea to have a GM appointed player "Police Force" that could handle and dish out punishment to players who violate the Terms of Service.
Perhaps these players could even spectate PvE and PvP games from cities that they are located at and such.
Does anyone like or want to build on this idea?
Perhaps these players could even spectate PvE and PvP games from cities that they are located at and such.
Does anyone like or want to build on this idea?
I don't know about giving players any kind of control over aspects of the game. Kind of 'iffy' and talk about a headache of complaints.
Generally speaking, I like the idea but how are those players chosen? What happens when they ditch the game for the next one coming down the pipe? What if THEY, in turn, become a griefer? What if they abuse their power?
I have seen games, however, that have 'scripted' town guards and such. If players try to kill other players (not an issue in this game) or if they use inappropriate language, they are suddenly surrounded by guards or sent to "a bubble in reality" for a talking to. GW would have to script them with every known variant of STFU and every other childish thing that people say and every "clever" way they get around the language censors.
I don't know....
Generally speaking, I like the idea but how are those players chosen? What happens when they ditch the game for the next one coming down the pipe? What if THEY, in turn, become a griefer? What if they abuse their power?
I have seen games, however, that have 'scripted' town guards and such. If players try to kill other players (not an issue in this game) or if they use inappropriate language, they are suddenly surrounded by guards or sent to "a bubble in reality" for a talking to. GW would have to script them with every known variant of STFU and every other childish thing that people say and every "clever" way they get around the language censors.
I don't know....
Old Dood
Yes a month or so ago I started a thread about this very same topic. I firmly believe in some kind of Police Force should be in place....
I got more Naw it wont work then anyone "building" on the idea.
I got more Naw it wont work then anyone "building" on the idea.
Red Sonya
I disagree with this idea entirely, because it gives a "god" status to people we don't even know. I've seen the Admins attitudes on Gamespy and I'd certainly hate to see any preteens or teenagers become any kind of game police.
All this game needs is a /report function and some "paid" employees who can be monitored for what they do or have actions against other players.
Besides with 100's of thousands of players, there would never be a large enough police force that could be paid to deal with the issues.
Basically I say, just ignore it, if one lets mere "words" bother them, then they have mental issues themselves. Many people just like trouble and by acting on the side of the "right" they feel they have the right to cause or make trouble for others or want them to get in trouble or banned or suspended. Makes them really just as bad. They should just learn to "ignore", the easiest solution to any problems within the game.
And then there are those that just like to whine about something. If it wasn't about what people say they would find something else to whine about.
I thought tattle tailing went out in primary school?
All this game needs is a /report function and some "paid" employees who can be monitored for what they do or have actions against other players.
Besides with 100's of thousands of players, there would never be a large enough police force that could be paid to deal with the issues.
Basically I say, just ignore it, if one lets mere "words" bother them, then they have mental issues themselves. Many people just like trouble and by acting on the side of the "right" they feel they have the right to cause or make trouble for others or want them to get in trouble or banned or suspended. Makes them really just as bad. They should just learn to "ignore", the easiest solution to any problems within the game.
And then there are those that just like to whine about something. If it wasn't about what people say they would find something else to whine about.
I thought tattle tailing went out in primary school?

Horrible, horrible idea.
Power corrupts. Period.
I approve of your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Power corrupts. Period.
Originally Posted by Red Sonya
All this game needs is a /report function and some "paid" employees who can be monitored for what they do or have actions against other players.
Besides with 100's of thousands of players, there would never be a large enough police force that could be paid to deal with the issues. Basically I say, just ignore it, if one lets mere "words" bother them, then they have mental issues themselves. Many people just like trouble and by acting on the side of the "right" they feel they have the right to cause or make trouble for others or want them to get in trouble or banned or suspended. Makes them really just as bad. They should just learn to "ignore", the easiest solution to any problems within the game. And then there are those that just like to whine about something. If it wasn't about what people say they would find something else to whine about. I thought tattle tailing went out in primary school? ![]() |
Perishiko ReLLiK
I disagree with this idea. Why?
Because of a game i actually payed to play, called... everquest.
I got banned for telling someone i would rape them in a duel after they took my spawning grounds with more people then i could outdamage.
Banned for a few days? No... i got suspended at first, for 3 months, and then i was able to play for one day. After this one day, i got an abrupt boot from the game, and got banned for 350+ years. Because i might have a reach to the famous fountain of youth?
Well (a little add on)... i got banned for calling this kid stupid after he was trying to explain a point to me... Wrong? Perhaps... but, he also wasnt using even close to correct grammar, and his spelling was quite hysterical (Yes, worse spelling/grammar then me by far.) Not only that, but he was trying to tell me that i was in the wrong... because the other guy lied to this "gm", and the gm continued to ignore me and what i was saying.
Talk about nearly 100$ down the drain...
Because of a game i actually payed to play, called... everquest.
I got banned for telling someone i would rape them in a duel after they took my spawning grounds with more people then i could outdamage.
Banned for a few days? No... i got suspended at first, for 3 months, and then i was able to play for one day. After this one day, i got an abrupt boot from the game, and got banned for 350+ years. Because i might have a reach to the famous fountain of youth?
Well (a little add on)... i got banned for calling this kid stupid after he was trying to explain a point to me... Wrong? Perhaps... but, he also wasnt using even close to correct grammar, and his spelling was quite hysterical (Yes, worse spelling/grammar then me by far.) Not only that, but he was trying to tell me that i was in the wrong... because the other guy lied to this "gm", and the gm continued to ignore me and what i was saying.
Talk about nearly 100$ down the drain...
It's the ever so popular, "who will enforce the enforcers". And if the answer is Anet, then why even have player enforcers if Anet will do enforcing in the first place.
The idea is great, implementing it successfully is something else though.
The idea is great, implementing it successfully is something else though.

The undead Mesmer
only if the punishment is a battle against a horde of level 30 lich lords :O that everybody can see

Horrible, horrible, horrible idea. A game called FoM has a police force people can join, and it's absolutely horrible. It's ridiculously insane how many 12 year olds you get thinking they're god because they're part of the "police force" and they try to tell you what to do. I sure as hell aren't going to listen to some 10 yr old punk tellin' me what to do and how to act because he's on some "police force" I'm going to add him to my ignore list is what I'm going to do.
If you put player cops in the game, you sure as hell better give me a way to kill them.
If you put player cops in the game, you sure as hell better give me a way to kill them.
The trouble is, who will police the player police? In the end you still need more paid ArenaNet guys to police the servers.
If players did it say hello to lots of jerkwads telling you what to do and how to do it.. and good bye to half of the players
If Anet workers do it, say hello to monthly fees... and good bye to half of the players
i see no good side to this.. sorry
If Anet workers do it, say hello to monthly fees... and good bye to half of the players
i see no good side to this.. sorry
Paul Templar
No way
Its only for power abusers those who get their kicks out of having some power over others and way too many will abuse this GW will spend alot of time cleaning up after these power hungry people
Had seen this happen too many times getting the boot for something really really silly and I mean silly not offensive
there are lots of districts to go into if you dont like the one ur in move I think its up to each player to make up their own mind as to what offends them and do something about it
In all fairness they have a right to play the game too you may not like how they play but kids will be kids and I have no intention of playing mummy or daddy to someone else
Just do the mature thing and move on or if its really offensive log and report it end of story
If you want to play the game play it why would anyone want to buy the game only to become "The Police"
Its only for power abusers those who get their kicks out of having some power over others and way too many will abuse this GW will spend alot of time cleaning up after these power hungry people
Had seen this happen too many times getting the boot for something really really silly and I mean silly not offensive
there are lots of districts to go into if you dont like the one ur in move I think its up to each player to make up their own mind as to what offends them and do something about it
In all fairness they have a right to play the game too you may not like how they play but kids will be kids and I have no intention of playing mummy or daddy to someone else
Just do the mature thing and move on or if its really offensive log and report it end of story
If you want to play the game play it why would anyone want to buy the game only to become "The Police"
I would say that there are too many juveniles in this game for a police force to ever be effective. And when I say juveniles, I don't just mean those in the 10-18 crowd either. Juvenile can be a state of mind. 
As pointed out earlier, there is a way, at least in other games, to create a 'scripted' force of NPCish characters. But for the things that people would want them for (i.e. language, spamming, etc.), it would be darned near impossible for ANet to create.

As pointed out earlier, there is a way, at least in other games, to create a 'scripted' force of NPCish characters. But for the things that people would want them for (i.e. language, spamming, etc.), it would be darned near impossible for ANet to create.
the bloodthirst
I dont want to start saying we should make the game like WOW but, they have a good system. they have ppl that monitor the game but they arent actually players. Its a fairly nice system and i never had a problem with it. for any of you who played WOW b4 you will know what i am talking about. The GM's their do a good job. Anet employees might be able to do monitor the game in that way. not sure though. thats just my idea and i think it would be better then giving actual players authority.
Originally Posted by the bloodthirst
I dont want to start saying we should make the game like WOW but, they have a good system. they have ppl that monitor the game but they arent actually players. Its a fairly nice system and i never had a problem with it. for any of you who played WOW b4 you will know what i am talking about. The GM's their do a good job. Anet employees might be able to do monitor the game in that way. not sure though. thats just my idea and i think it would be better then giving actual players authority.
If such a system were implemented, i would volunteer.
I am a joint administrator for a call of duty clan (well, i think i still am, can't get off this game
) and i used to have my own call of duty clan at one point in time. Ah the memories.
However, there are many issues that would need to be overcome, as mentioned above my humble post.
Since the idea is never likely to be implemented, the best thing to do is report any breaches of EULA rules to Anet.
I am a joint administrator for a call of duty clan (well, i think i still am, can't get off this game

However, there are many issues that would need to be overcome, as mentioned above my humble post.
Since the idea is never likely to be implemented, the best thing to do is report any breaches of EULA rules to Anet.

Idea sucks, if you cannot handle "your mom is so fat, shes big as jupiter" then you should use IGNORE. IGNORE blocks all spam and profanity. And its very hard to spam now a days, have to wait 7 seconds before typing long sentence.
Well I'm sick and tired of going into a town with only 1 or 2 districts looking for a group or something and seeing all the profanity and "ur mom" trash talking going on myself. Something has to be done about it even if "police" can't be enforced.
Yeah but, if there was no lvl 3 warrior looking for group chats, what would there be? No one will be talking. Now for the ur mom, I havent even heard anyone say anything about your mom, its just to see whose witter.
Games like Guild Wars is suppose to have people talking about looking for groups, and trying to see whose better than someone else, if there was none of that there would be a LOT, a LOT less chat.
Games like Guild Wars is suppose to have people talking about looking for groups, and trying to see whose better than someone else, if there was none of that there would be a LOT, a LOT less chat.
Nah...this would just cause even more problems. Learn to ignore the silliness that goes on in chat.
Sagius Truthbarron
This isn't suggest that they would just be elected to this force, but they would be chosen by Anet GMs. I used to play a game called "Dark Ages". We had about 20 players enforcing about 1300 players at a time. And you know what? I hardly ever saw any profanity. If it was there, it sure didn't last long.
Of course all permanent punishment would be handled by Anet and the matters could reveiwed by Anet themselves for evidence.
I consider this a more direct approach than *Submit ticket.* "Thanks for your thingy, we'll not tell you what happens in the matter as regards the EULA" *Tosses ticket in garbadge after replying*
Of course all permanent punishment would be handled by Anet and the matters could reveiwed by Anet themselves for evidence.
I consider this a more direct approach than *Submit ticket.* "Thanks for your thingy, we'll not tell you what happens in the matter as regards the EULA" *Tosses ticket in garbadge after replying*
Originally Posted by Mavrik
Well I'm sick and tired of going into a town with only 1 or 2 districts looking for a group or something and seeing all the profanity and "ur mom" trash talking going on myself. Something has to be done about it even if "police" can't be enforced.
The only way i see this idea working is if Anet hand picks players (send in an application via email and they choose which players make it in) but things could still go wrong...