Yes, for all weapons.
3 - 1 for Sword, Axe.
5 - 1 for Hammer, Bow.
Sword and Bow are around 50k.
Hammer and Axe are around 40k.
In stock : 0 sword, 1 axe, 1 hammer, 1 bow
Plz warn me if the prices are too high for you (I'm not familiar with upgrades...).
Thx. All must go!
Quick Sale : Perfect Vampiric Upgrades for all Weapons, Prices inside
Solon Jhee
Isegrimm D.
Nice upgrades... do u have sundering PM me pls
thanks for the sword hilt! BUMP
25k for 3:1 vamp
Jm Equinoxx
Jm Equinoxx