Male Character faces
In the Game only the Mesmerer has a good Face set for the Male character. The Warrior dosnt really have that great of a face set, there is no facial hair he is always clean shaven. Why is that? he should at least have a go-t or something like that. Some of the Mes facial hair would go go on the Male Warrior.
It would be nice, but I am always a hot chick so...
The Male Ranger has got some nice rough looks...
True, but Im Just wondering why they didnt really do that much with the male warrior
i want some facial hair for my warrior.. now dont get me wrong im not asking to look like ZZ top or anything, just a little fuzz or something
Xeno Demachilo
Here..It gets sinched off fighting the Charr Flame Weilders..Hows that? Or maybe warriors are savages and they shave with their swords right before you log on..What would be nice though, is hair that grows Like say for every hour logged on that character it might grow just a tad bit, then you can choose to shave it or keep it..
Warrior are always on the hunt for good looking campanion.